Tuesday, October 10, 2023

BE AFRAID: Global health experts claim next pandemic could be up to 20 TIMES DEADLIER than COVID-19

BE AFRAID: Global health experts claim next pandemic could be up to 20 TIMES DEADLIER than COVID-19

Fearmongering global health experts think the next pandemic could be up to 20 times deadlier than the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

"Let me put it this way: The 1918-19 flu pandemic killed at least 50 million people worldwide, twice as many as those killed in World War I. Today, we could expect a similar death toll from one of the many viruses that already exist," warned Kate Bingham, the former chair of the U.K. Vaccine Taskforce.

Dubbed "Disease X" by the World Health Organization (WHO), this potential catastrophe is more a probability than a possibility and could strike at any moment. The virus responsible could emerge from the vast pool of undiscovered viruses lurking in Mother Nature. (Related: Next PLANDEMIC? CDC warns Marburg virus is coming.)

Comparing the potential scale of Disease X to the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, WHO specialists argue that it could reach similar proportions. Consequently, the world must be prepared to develop and distribute vaccines swiftly to combat the disease, as its destructive impact is likely to surpass that of COVID-19, for which the world was ill-prepared when it first emerged in early 2020.

Bingham highlighted that scientists are currently aware of 25 virus families, each comprising thousands of individual viruses with pandemic potential. Furthermore, an estimated one million undiscovered viruses could be lurking in the natural world, capable of leaping from species to species and causing widespread human devastation.

"In a sense, we got lucky with COVID-19. The point is that the vast majority of people infected with the virus managed to recover. Imagine Disease X is as infectious as measles with the fatality rate of Ebola [67 percent]. Somewhere in the world, it's replicating, and sooner or later, somebody will start feeling sick," warned Dame Kate Bingham.

Bill Gates warns the next pandemic could be man-made and worse than COVID-19

Meanwhile, globalist and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has warned the public that the next pandemic could be "man-made" and "much more brutal" than the previous one.

During his speech at the Lowy Institute earlier this year in Sydney, Australia, Gates emphasized the urgency of global cooperation and preparedness to prevent an unprecedented economic catastrophe.

Gates stressed the importance of avoiding economic devastation and called for greater global collaboration in response to potential future pandemics. "Compare the economic cost of being prepared for the next one to the cost of this one – over $10 trillion economic loss," Gates said, highlighting the staggering impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy. "With the pandemic, we were foolish not to have the tools, the practice, and the global capacity to be on standby like we do with fire or earthquakes."

He proposed regular comprehensive pandemic preparedness exercises at both country and regional levels and emphasized the necessity of a global body to assess and score the pandemic readiness of nations worldwide.

"The one thing that still hangs in the balance is whether we will have the global capacity, at the regional and country levels, to act swiftly when an infectious disease threat emerges to prevent it from going global. We need to conduct comprehensive exercises every five years at both country and regional levels of pandemic preparedness, and we need a global group that's scoring everybody," Gates explained.

Gates also commended Australia's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly its early adoption of population-scale diagnostics and strict quarantine policies. He praised the country's "almost draconian" measures, which helped keep infection rates low in the initial year when vaccines were not yet available.

"Some of the things that stand out are that Australia and about seven other countries did population-scale diagnostics early on and had quarantine policies. That meant you kept the level of infection low in that first year when there were no vaccines," Gates told the audience.

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