Saturday, August 5, 2023

Today’s blacklisted American: Pediatrician fired for raising questions at public meeting

Today’s blacklisted American: Pediatrician fired for raising questions at public meeting

They’re coming for you next: After pediatrician Renata Moon testified at a December 7, 2022 public Capitol Hill event organized by Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin), where she raised serious and very legitimate questions about the COVID jab and the risks it might carry, she was fired as a teacher by Washington State University for daring to express such thoughts out loud.

So, what horrible things did she say at that December 2022 event?

Dr. Moon testified that she had only seen two or three cases of myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation, while practicing for more than 20 years. But after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, she said, she has been seeing more cases, and heard about others from fellow doctors. “There’s clearly been a massive increase,” Dr. Moon said.

Dr. Moon also pulled out the package insert for the vaccines, or a piece of paper that typically outlines warnings, ingredients, and other information for a vaccine. The insert for the COVID-19 vaccines has no information and says, “intentionally blank,” the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has acknowledged. “How am I to give informed consent to parents when this is what I have?” Dr. Moon said.

All she did was note the obvious increase in myocarditus after the rollout of the jab, something that has now been documented repeatedly by studies (see just a few examples hereherehere, and here), while adding that though by law she as a doctor is required to provide patients with all information about the risks of a treatment, the government had intentionally denied her that information.

For this, Washington State University officials immediately reported her to the Washington Medical Commission (WMC), which at that time (and maybe even now) considers any statement expressing any skepticism about the efficacy of the COVID jab by any doctor to be “misinformation” that justifies the revocation of his or her medical license. In the university’s letter [pdf] informing her of its actions as well as warning her that it was considering firing her, it clearly indicated that it considered her testimony as her fundamental crime.

The WMC has asked the public and practitioners to report possible spread of misinformation. There are components of your presentation that could be interpreted as a possible spread, as such, we are ethically obligated to make a report to the WMC to investigate possible breach of this expectation. … The expressed views will require us to review your teaching assignments in the frame of the education of our students.

Then, as indicated by this letter, in June 2023 it fired her.

The letter had also accused her of testifying as an employee of the university and saying that she was speaking as its representative. Both accusations were utterly false, as shown by the facts outlined here.

Because of these accusations, Moon was forced to give up her medical license. She is presently part of a lawsuit [pdf] against WMC for its aggressive stance against any doctor who questioned the very questionable COVID mandates imposed during the Wuhan panic, including revoking the licenses of any doctor who advocated alternative treatments (such as ivermectin) or like Moon expressed publicly any doubts about the COVID jab.

I hope she wins and gets her license back, but I have my doubts. And even if she wins, her experience as a teacher during the Wuhan panic suggests the next generation of doctors — trained at close-minded universities like Washington State — will be poorly equipped to provide good medical treatment.

Dr. Moon said she’s concerned about medical schools no longer serving as venues for discussion and critical thinking. She recalled being called into the office of a superior over student complaints. She learned that the students complained about Dr. Moon noting correctly that some information about the COVID-19 vaccines was unknown, such as where in the body the ingredients were distributed and whether they would cause certain health problems.

“I just engaged in some critical thinking with my students. I thought it was something that we’re supposed to do in discussion groups, and they had asked me, right?” Dr. Moon said. “They said that I had caused them trauma and harm by telling them that the vaccines might not be 100 percent safe. Again, these are medical students. This is a medical school. Nothing is 100 percent safe, not even aspirin is 100 percent safe. Everything has the potential for a reaction. So to have that be a complaint against me really surprised me and it really concerned me.”

Moon had other similar experiences, which in every case the university supported the students against her. Rather than forcing these future doctors to think critically, the university demanded that Moon encourage them to be close-minded, to shelter them from dissenting views. What is worse is that Washington State’s actions are the rule among academia today, not the exception.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is like what communist do to silence free speech, dark times if continues without blowback IMO!