Monday, August 28, 2023

'It's About Control, Total And Absolute'

The ultimate sinister goal of the climate con
Ron Boat

Climate control. It's far more than that round dial on the wall.

Current governments see it as a much more important, extensive and far-reaching opportunity which is, in fact, nothing more than an intrusion into the money coffers and power positions of their citizens – an opportunity to spread the wealth to political donors and supporters, while gaining more authoritarian control.

There are two moving elements to this con game being perpetrated on America and the world.

The first is a more straightforward and obvious exercise based on the rhetoric being presented and actions being taken.

The intrusion into the public's lives is blatantly apparent when the government screams CLIMATE CRISIS and exerts measures as they have: actions based on claims of over-polluting fossil fuels, rising seas, floods, hurricanes, fires and world destruction. Hence, their dictate to eliminate gas operated stoves, water heaters, fireplaces, lawnmowers, even banning cars and pushing EVs, along with their cleaner yet less efficient wind and solar power.

From Day 1 in the White House, the president canceled and restricted gas pipelines and production. Beware the "Climate Emergency" executive order.

Analyses of the recent fires in Hawaii are an extension of this climate rhetoric. In mere hours some proclaimed the "global warming/climate crisis" narrative as the cause of destruction and loss of life. In fact, "Green New Deal/sustainability" decisions on the part of the power company may be responsible – refusing to properly manage their infrastructure's vegetation overgrowth, instead concentrating efforts and money buying solar panels from China and pursuing other energy alternatives.

In addition, "societal concerns" ran amok when Hawaii's water resource leader, more interested in "water equity" for plants than allowing its use to protect property and lives in Lahaina, didn't provide it to firefighters.

The ramifications of this climate con continue their threat through inflated gas prices at the pump as the supply is reduced and overall costs are increased. One should consider that virtually 72% of goods are delivered via trucks and around 28% by rail – both running on diesel fuel.

Raise the cost of fuel, you raise the cost of goods, which is passed on to the consumer as an onerous burden. Costs of fuel, as well as related fertilizers? Up for farmers 71% in '22 over 2021 prices … again increasing costs of their products – food.

The bottom line: Make things expensive, create shortages and catastrophes, make fossil fuels look bad, show the need to reduce or eliminate their use … push an agenda.


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