Monday, August 28, 2023

Terry James: New Lockdowns: “Battening Down the Hatches”

New Lockdowns: “Battening Down the Hatches”
Terry James

A couple of weeks ago in my blog article, “Looking Up While Locking Down,” I attempted to foster a bit of comfort. I tried to make the point that while we see the powerful and wicked minions, both human and demonic, going all out to bring all people on the planet into global gulag, we can know that Jesus’ call to believers in the Rapture must certainly be drawing near. 

Surely we are in the time of Luke 21:28, because we’ve been seeing “all these things come to pass” for quite some time.

Jesus said when we see all of these things, we are to “look up,” for our Redemption–Jesus, Himself—will be drawing near. Paul told us we should “take comfort” in anticipation of that glorious event.

For those who are “watching” as Jesus admonished (Mark 13:37), the evidence is literally in every direction on the prophetic horizon. All of the signals are converging—in a proliferation of end-times signals that hasn’t happened before.

So there is every reason to be “looking up” as Jesus instructed those two thousand years ago when He was sitting atop the Mount of Olives.

And now the ominous reports are beginning to come forth, as if they’re paving the way to prepare for the minions’ next major attempt at bringing the populations of earth under the lockdowns that are obviously a part of the blueprint for the Great Reset. It is all within the Luciferian scheme the World Economic Forum and other Ephesians 6:12 powers and principalities intend to implement in establishing their New World Order.

Apparently, this September through December is the time they plan to again bring about the lockdowns that were successful in their previous such wicked, freedom-robbing test to see who would and would not comply.

The following somewhat gives a heads-up on what we might be facing before this year is out.

The Biden regime is preparing to reinstate full COVID-19 lockdowns, beginning with masking mandates for TSA and airport employees reportedly as early as mid-September, Infowars first to report.

A high-level TSA official reached out to Infowars, detailing a Tuesday meeting where TSA managers were informed of new memorandums and policies that would reimplement mask-wearing.

These policies will reinstate the mask mandate for TSA and airport employees starting in mid-September.

According to the TSA official, further details on how the policy will escalate will be provided next week.

The official added that by mid-October, mask-wearing will be mandated for pilots, flight staff, passengers, and all airport patrons…

[A trusted Border Patrol source] corroborated the directives, confirming that similar measures were being planned for Border Patrol personnel.

“They were told it was not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ official Covid numbers will go back up and they expect by mid-October a return to forced-masking policies that the Biden administration previously only reluctantly ended after massive pressure. (“Biden Regime to Reinstate COVID-19 Restrictions Beginning with Mask Mandate as COVID Cases Rise, Say TSA and Border Patrol Whistleblowers,” Jim Hauft , Gateway Pundit, August 19, 2023)

The lockdowns are apparently going to be used to again influence the US presidential elections in their favor—i.e., steal the election. As we’ve said many times, America must be brought into compliance with the globalists’ plans. This nation is the holdup to their Great Reset blueprint implementation. They can’t allow an administration that believes in national sovereignty and borders to win as did Trump in 2016. Their plans were upset then, and they are doing all within their power to prevent Mr. Trump or anyone who puts national interests above globalist interests to again attain power.

So, while they think they are locking down America and the world’s populations, they are, in nautical terminology, battening down the hatches for a storm, the likes of which they cannot survive. It will be that great Tribulation storm Jesus said will be the worst time in human history.

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