Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Rumors Of War: Poland And Russia

Russia "mutilates" Poland: "Rzeszów is an "ancient Russian city" - Wagner can attack as the Polish mercenaries did against us"

Lukashenko is also in the game: "The Poles should thank me for controlling Wagner, otherwise they would have destroyed Warsaw"

Poland received successive threats of war within 24 hours, the second of which is the most serious as it shows Moscow's intentions for Warsaw.

On the air of the Russian state channel it was mentioned at least twice that the Polish city of Rzeszów is "an ancient Russian city".

The Russians are starting to raise the question of Poland's territorial integrity, something that started with Putin's "bombshell" speech.

“Wagner PMC can easily attack just like the Polish mercenaries did in Ukraine and also in Russia. They had entered Russian territory and we did not declare G.PP. Why; Because they are private mercenaries".

This phrase confirms Warsaw's worst fears as WarNews247 revealed yesterday.

Today A.Lukasenko indirectly threatened Warsaw again...

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko today taunted NATO member Poland over the presence of the Russian Wagner Group mercenaries near its border, saying Warsaw should thank him for keeping them under its control.

Lukashenko, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, joked during a meeting with him last month that some of Wagner's fighters wanted to enter Poland and "take a trip to Warsaw and Rzeszow" .

The state-run Belta news agency today carried statements by Lukashenko who said Poles "should pray that we are holding (Wagner fighters) and taking care of them.

Otherwise, without us, they would have gone through and destroyed Rzeszów and Warsaw, causing great damage. That's why they shouldn't blame me, they should say thank you."

Rzeszow is a city in southeastern Poland near the Ukrainian border. Yesterday, WarNews247 revealed, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said a group of 100 Wagner soldiers had arrived in the Belarusian city of Grodno near the Polish border, describing the situation as "increasingly dangerous".

Lukashenko, in his latest statements, initially appeared to deny this, only to revise immediately after his denial.

"I want to save this Wagner team. They are fighters who help us completely free of charge. They share their knowledge.

“Suddenly, I heard recently, that Poland became furious because supposedly a detachment of up to a hundred people is coming here .

No detachment of Wagner's 100 men moved this way. And if they did, they did so only to transfer their military experience to the (Belarusian) brigades concentrated in Brest and Grodno."

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