Thursday, August 10, 2023

Overlords to Peasants: After Your Meal of 'Ze Bugs' Have a Drink of Sewage Water

Overlords to Peasants: After Your Meal of 'Ze Bugs' Have a Drink of Sewage Water

Apologies for sending another, in the words of Jessica Rose, “not-writey” post (love that phrase) but… but… this is rather striking. 

From the horse’s mouth:

"Britons need to be 'less squeamish' about drinking water from sewage, says agency head'"

British people need to be “less squeamish” about drinking water derived from sewage, the boss of the Environment Agency has said.

Writing in the Sunday Times, Sir James Bevan outlined measures the government, water companies and ordinary people should be taking to avoid severe droughts.

He said: “Part of the solution will be to reprocess the water that results from sewage treatment and turn it back into drinking water – perfectly safe and healthy, but not something many people fancy.”

Bevan admitted the move would be “unpopular” and reactions on social media have been mixed but he said there was a need to “change how we think about water”.

So there we have it. They actually said it! And let’s please not go into “but they are going to clean it first,” etc. First of all, they are supposed to clean our tap water right now—and yet my water filter catches and collects so much brown stuff (rust, I assume) that one might get naughty ideas about the source of that deep brown… 

And besides, this is more like a symbol, it’s what ancient rulers did to their visiting vassals, making them crawl through a small gate in order to establish who is who in the food chain. What our aspiring masters are saying is, “We are going to use big words and scare you with climate in order to take away your dignity and your standards—and if you complain, we are going to use more big words and shame you and guilt you, and in the end, you’ll just do it.” 

We are dealing with bullies. It takes deep, uneasy, unglamorous courage to confront the bullies—but what are we going to do, eat insects and drink sewage water?

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