Saturday, August 5, 2023

Bill Gates: 'It's Time For Death Panels'

Bill Gates Caught Telling World Leaders It’s Time For ‘Death Panels’ To Reduce Global Population

Globalist billionaire and depopulation enthusiast Bill Gates has told world leaders that it’s time use “death panels” to sentence ordinary, law-abiding people to death for the crime of being of no use to the elite.

This is the brutal, murderous world Bill Gates and his associates at the World Economic Forum are determined to roll out as part of their Great Reset. We can’t allow their evil logic to become the new normal.

Bill Gates has become so arrogant in recent times that he is happy for cameras to catch him saying the quiet parts out loud. Watch:  (video)

Gates doesn’t explain why we cannot pay teachers and allow people to live out their lives in peace. Why is it either/or? After all, in the past we did not have any problem paying teachers their salaries and allowing our grandparents to enjoy their grandchildren during their golden years.

If you are wondering what else they have up their sleeve, it’s worth paying attention to what happened at the G20 in Bali, Indonesia late last year.

The G20 is a summit featuring leaders of the most important economies in the world, and it’s a mix of countries considered to be “advanced” or “developing”.

Beyond the rooms where the world political leaders sit around and thrash out various issues, there are dozens of side events where so-called “dignitaries” meet.

Why were Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab in attendance at the G20? No one voted for them.

The mainstream media is declaring anyone who asks this question to be a conspiracy theorist. But it’s a totally legitimate question to ask.

For his part, Gates is using the forum to instruct world leaders that death panels will be necessary in the near future in order to end the lives of sick and unwell people due to “very, very high medical costs”.

Of course Gates’s death panels have everything to do with the globalist elite’s obsession with depopulation.

Bill Gates plans mirror the language used by the World Economic Forum regarding euthanasia and the Canadian government’s devilish new solution to solve inflation, homelessness, skyrocketing crime, and food shortages – death panels for the useless.

The Trudeau regime say they are now offering to pay to euthanize people who are “too poor to continue living with dignity.”

Canada’s descent into barbarism should come as no surprise. The Canadian government has been completely penetrated by the WEF. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his deputy Chrystia Freeland are both WEF Young Global Leaders who have completely sold their soul to Klaus Schwab and his vision for the future.

And make no mistake, that vision involves depopulating the world. The technocrats in charge at the WEF are so excited by their plan to murder the majority of the world’s population that they simply cannot stop talking about it.

At what point do we stop and say “enough”? How many times does the World Economic Forum have to declare their sinister intentions before the world stops and listens?

Klaus Schwab’s right hand man Yuval Noah Harari has a history of saying the quiet part out loud, and last month he admitted what many people have long suspected.

According to Harari, who was promoting his new book, the big political question of the 21st century for those in power is “What do we need so many humans for?”

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And it’s not even the first time Yuval Noah Harari has let slip regarding their plans for humanity. He recently declared that the WEF considers the vast majority of the human population to be useless and obselete.

According to Harari, so-called “common people” are right to be fearful of a future in which they will be made “redundant”.

Harari’s comments are deeply disturbing because when they are placed in context with comments by other WEF advisors like Bill Gates and his desire for “death panels”, it becomes clear that they have mass murder on their mind.

How much evidence is required before a conspiracy theory become a conspiracy fact?


Anonymous said...

Useful idiots Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab will face their own death panel when 666 takes power.

Anonymous said...

I imagine Gates will be first in line. After all he will want to lead by example as his worthless self couldn’t even finish college and had to make a name for himself by utilizing someone else’s idea to make his fortune. If he is so smart where are all of his own accomplishments. He didn’t even come up with this eugenics plan that he promotes. Worthless human of little talent.

Anonymous said...

OK, common-sense, we have people go to jail for less, and known folks wants to kill innocent ill people by death panels, promote depopulation, ect., and are running around freely?

Why do some people go to jail for the same thing we are hearing about from Gates, Soro's and the WEF cult, and they are still loose as a clear and present danger to mankind as reputed?

Hard to believe how true this is, or you'd think they all would be investigated to the hilt, right? If they are not, tis my opinion, they should be; unfortunately yes, our system is broken at the moment, IMO!