Thursday, July 21, 2022

The Rapid Descent Into Fascism

Taking A Look Back In History Proves America's Descent Into Full-Scale Fascism

With the word ‘fascist’ tossed around promiscuously, it’s extremely important to understand the term and where fascism belongs on the political spectrum. 

Anti-liberty leftists generally apply this pejorative to whatever the pro-freedom right is doing at the moment, whether it makes sense or not, as in these recent examples: 

A ‘climate activist’ recently stated on MSNBC that the Supreme Court’s EPA ruling is ‘a judicial coup’ and ‘a clear descent into fascism’, never mind that the ruling was the exact opposite of that. Then there is the recent example of a woke Guardian US news reporter claiming that anyone who questions transgender ideology is a FASCIST. 

As is the case with most of their weaponized words, their assertions are a kilometer wide and a tenth of a millimeter thick. It only works if you don’t look at it too closely and notice that it’s rife with contradictions, the prime indicator of a big lie. They have nothing beyond a few tired talking points, and as usual, they have to supplement their lack of facts with childish insults or mob techniques to shout down their opponents. Thus, you’ll find that their main tactic is to try to bluff their way through the subject with illogical intimidation. 

We will prove our case with a two-prong approach. Starting with a mountain of evidence with the listing of the common elements between socialism and fascism. Then we will point out the major disparities between fascism and the pro-freedom right side of the political spectrum. But first, it’s important to establish a baseline in what exactly we’re talking about with the political spectrum.


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