“In effect, the West wants to deprive its people once and for all of the opportunity to critically analyse the flow of news and replace it with monochrome propaganda coverage … They are doing this under the obvious influence of self-hypnosis in their exclusiveness and permissiveness,” Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for Russia’s Foreign Ministry, said in a powerful briefing on 14 July 2022.
She also gave updates on Donbass and Ukraine; challenged a US State Department report titled ‘To vilify Ukraine, the Kremlin resorts to Antisemitic’ as fake propaganda; challenged Western countries requesting reparations from Russia (see paragraph below); highlighted an “Anti-Fake section” on the Foreign Ministry website that had been amended (see paragraph below); addressed the demolition of the monument to Soviet soldiers in Klaipeda and attempts of the collective West to cancel Russian culture; and, more.
Below are extracts from Zakharova’s briefing:
For several years, we have been compelled to write regularly about the West’s efforts to suppress Russian and undesirable to the authorities Russian language media that were preventing the political elites of the “advanced democracies” from manipulating public opinion in their countries as they saw fit.
The closest definition that occurs to us in an attempt to describe this notion would be “mediacide based on ethnic origin and political conviction.” In other words, this is an attempt to destroy the very notion of media pluralism through the totalitarian cleansing of one’s information space, including the digital space, from all alternative views on global events
The main enemies include Russian journalists, military correspondents, editors-in-chief and bloggers that provide not only a one-sided, Western interpretation of events but also alternative reports. The leaders of public opinion are in the same category.
Wow… that was powerful. Essentially the Russian Government are saying that the West are a bunch of hypocritical Orwellian Neo-Liberal Fascists committing “MEDIACIDE” and forcefully monopolising the narrative on global events via totalitarian measures, to push “monochrome propaganda”, while simultaneously parading as the shining beacon of “Freedom of Speech”.
Zakharova also calls out US Internet companies and Big Tech, due to their willing subordination, aiding the suppression of Russian and independent narratives via censorship and Western blackouts on media. Bending the knee and assisting in State sponsored Fascism.
She goes on to say that Russia sees no value in any diplomacy with these entities due to their striking hypocrisy and signs of “personality disorder”. Calling out the liberal-globalists for not following the same rules they so harshly impose on others. Rules for thee, not for me. It’s (D)ifferent.
And the most important sentence is the last one, “Western regimes have taken a course towards the complete cleansing of the media space from everything that does not fit in into their vision of the world.”
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