Thursday, July 21, 2022

Recent Developments Place Ezekiel 38 In Focus

The Shocking Russia-Iran Moment That Just Caused Ezekiel 38 to Trend on Social Media

Ezekiel 38, a key Bible chapter containing what is believed to be important end times prophecies, trended on Twitter Tuesday — and the reasons are nothing short of noteworthy.People were quick to point out alarming current events unfolding this week that led some to turn their focus to prophetic scripture. Before we get into the biblical implications, let’s briefly recap the international events and happenings at the center of intrigue.

Russia and Iran Getting Closer

Embattled Russian President Vladimir Putin made what The Washington Post called a “rare international trip to Iran” this week as the Ukraine war drags on and tensions with the West continue to boil.

Putin’s trip seems to indicate closer ties between the allies, as he met with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi before convening with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, according to CBN News.

The natural question with these events and proclamations in mind is: “Why was Ezekiel 38 trending on Twitter?” At the simplest level, the events above caught Bible readers’ eyes for fascinating reasons.

End times author Jeff Kinley spoke earlier this year with CBN’s Faithwire about Ezekiel 38, which he and others believe is currently an unfulfilled prophecy.

It all boils down to the “Gog and Magog” prophecy discussed in that chapter, which many believe references Russia. Many believe this Gog (an individual) will be a future leader from Russia (thought to be Magog).

Author Joel Rosenberg is also among those who have vocally explored Old Testament prophecies about the biblical end of days, including Russia’s potential placement in the mix. He published a blog post a few years ago in which he discussed world events as they pertain to the writings of Ezekiel.

“The Hebrew prophet Ezekiel wrote 2,500 years ago that in the ‘last days’ of history, Russia and Iran will form a military alliance to attack Israel from the north,” Rosenberg wrote. “Bible scholars refer to this eschatological conflict, described in Ezekiel 38–39, as the ‘War of Gog & Magog.’”

He continued, “The one-day, future evil leader of Russia is going to form an alliance with Iran, Turkey, and some other hostile countries to come and surround and attack Israel in the last days.”

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