Friday, July 22, 2022

Preparing For The Next Collapse And Central Bank Digital Currency

Preparing For The Next Collapse - Central Bank Digital Currency Is Coming

The Office of Financial Research (OFR) is the independent bureau within the United States Department of the Treasury which was formed in response to the financial crisis of 2007-08 -- and the subsequent Great Recession that ensued. The OFR's responsible for collecting financial data and making recommendations to the Treasury's Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) based on that data, who then "responds to emerging risks to the stability of the United States' financial system."

This is the same department, who for the last 2 years, oversaw one of the largest transfers of wealth in the history of the world -- and they approved every bit of it. Their influence in the global economy cannot be overstated, which is why the OFR's recent white paper is particularly troublesome.

On July 11, 2022, the OFR published a working paper advocating for a Central Bank Digital Currency. In their abstract, the authors claim that a CBDC will counter against bank runs by "monitoring the flow of funds into CBDC" which "allows policymakers to identify and resolve weak banks sooner, which also decreases depositors' incentive to run."

While this may seem like a good way to prevent a bank run, the fact that a bank run is happening at all should send chills down your spine. The fact that the OFR is preparing for one is unsettling enough, but the fact that their answer is a CBDC should make everyone start to pay attention.

Remember in February when Canada's Prime Minister began freezing the bank accounts of protesters who stood against tyrannical mandates and arresting them? Not only did they go after the protesters, but the government went after the bank accounts of those who provided monetary support in the form of donations as well.

For practicing their free speech, Canadians were persecuted and driven into financial ruin by the government who claims to protect them. This was all carried out with zero due process, without any democratic input at all, and with zero resistance from the banks, who later apologized. 

Think about the ease with which this was done using the Canadian dollar and real money inside real banks and then consider the implications had the Canadians already adopted the federated digital ID system with a digital asset controlled by the central bank and the state. Sounds like a conspiracy theory, doesn't it? Unfortunately, it's not and it will be here before you know it.

But don't take my word for it, listen to Neil Parmenter, the President and CEO of the Canadian Bankers Association explain how this new system, supported by the World Economic Forum, will work. Plastic credit cards, ID cards, and cash are a thing of the past. 

Under the Great Reset, your entire financial portfolio will be controlled by the central bank and your assets relegated to a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), that can be turned off in a split second by the tyrannical regime you dare to criticize.

"Canada's banks are perfectly situated to help lead the creation of a federated digital ID system between government and the private sector.

The World Economic Forum agrees."

~ Neil Parmenter
President & CEO
Canadian Bankers Association

-- Cecil Charles (@thececilcharles) February 23, 2022

We just witnessed Canada seize the assets of its citizens for peaceful protest, and now they are pushing a new system in which the state and central banks literally control everything. And it's spreading -- to America.

On top of this month's working paper, in February, Federal Reserve Board Governor Lael Brainard laid out plans for the United States to adopt a similar system.

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