Saturday, July 23, 2022

China And Biological Weapons:

China Had Biological Weapons Six Years Ago

  • In 2015, Chinese military scientists wrote a paper titled “The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons”

  • It suggests that coronaviruses are a good material from which to generate a new bioweapon that can cause more damage than traditional bioweapons

  • The document, which was also obtained by investigators with the U.S. State Department, describes that a third world war would be “biological,” with bioweapons “the core weapon for victory”

  • The document goes into disturbing detail about how to best release a bioweapon to cause the maximum amount of carnage

  • MP Tom Tugendhat, chairman of the foreign affairs committee, stated the document “raises major concerns” as “even under the tightest controls these weapons are dangerous”

In a June 2021 interview, whistleblower Dr. Li Meng Yan, a physician and virologist who worked at the University of Hong Kong School of Public Health, a top coronavirus research lab, revealed evidence to support her belief that SARS-CoV-2 is not of natural origin and was created by the Chinese military intentionally to use as a bioweapon.1

Yan revealed that, in 2015, Chinese military scientists wrote a paper titled “The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons,” which suggests that, based on what’s known about SARS-1, coronaviruses are a good material from which to generate a new bioweapon that can cause more damage than traditional bioweapons.

China Prepared for ‘Biological’ Third World War

The document, which was also obtained by investigators with the U.S. State Department, suggests that a third world war would be “biological,” with bioweapons “the core weapon for victory.”2 Yan said: 

“Americans don’t understand that the government can do these things to destroy the world, and they even make their own citizens become victims in the beginning … We know that in China, based on Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) history, these kinds of things repeatedly happen … So we are not surprised. And China’s government kept telling that this is a bioweapon, but they insist that it’s from the U.S.”

Yan refers to SARS-CoV-2 as the PLA, or People’s Liberation Army, virus and states that it was owned by the Chinese military. China has been searching for decades for a novel zoonotic virus that can infect humans, secretly conducting experiments that were never published. According to Yan, the Chinese government was conducting trials in Wuhan around the time of the initial COVID-19 outbreak.


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