Guest post by Gianmarco Landi and translated by Martina Giuntoli
The series of facts that plunged the World into the barbarity of the Second World War must never be forgotten, as well as the noble sacrifice of the young Allied soldiers which was painfully necessary in order to defeat all totalitarian regimes including the one in Italy.
On January 31st, 2020, a state of emergency was declared in the Republic of Italy, and because of it, we’ve had two governments (Conte’s second mandate and Draghi’s first mandate) that have unleashed a flourish of illiberal and undemocratic rules, relying on a pretext of a pandemic situation imposed by a virus supposedly originated in China.
It should be remembered that many authoritative scientific sources or other sources of important international intelligence, had revealed that the Chinese virus not only had originated in a laboratory, but it was most likely spread in order to deploy colossal socio-political, economic, and financial effects. The debate around a sentence written by the philosopher Lucius Seneca, Nero’s popular tutor, “cui prodest scelus, is fecit” (who has the great advantage from the crime is the one who committed it), explains the deep financial, political, and ideological reason underlying what has been going on throughout the world over the last two years.
The work of the two Italian governments in the last two years, in fact, has been the reference benchmark for the so-called “emergency management” in all democratic countries, and many other governments have implemented the same type of liberticide measures because of the Italian example.
A coup d’état has taken place through the treacherous exercise of an institutional media bombing that hypnotized around 80% of the Italian population. The puppeteers of this coup are the heirs of the same stateless financial forces that imposed Fascism 100 years ago and Nazism 90 years ago. Yet this time they are implementing the control of the masses neither through a recognizable party nor an identifiable charismatic leader, but through organizations that are capable of deploying physical violence.
At the basis of the coup d’état under the banner of a new and modern Fascism, is the success of a collective hypnosis achieved by ‘shouting’ fake news and speculating on thousands of corpses of citizens killed in terrorist attacks indirectly organized through the scientific sabotage of regular hospital activities.
100 years after the March on Rome, another brutal dictatorship would have never been possible in the same way, this is why this time the new Totalitarianism has been created through the violent protection of an abstract common good that receives obedience, thanks to the psychological wounds inflicted caused by the above-mentioned state of collective hypnosis.
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