Monday, February 28, 2022

Ukraine And Beyond:

The Real Reason All Eyes are on Ukraine

Even many Americans in the reality-based community were blindsided when the much-hyped “invasion of Ukraine” actually came to pass, having assumed Putin would stop at recognizing the Donbass republics’ self-declared independence and giving NATO the poke in the eye it was clearly spoiling for. But things didn’t stop there. 

Apparently figuring now is as good a time as any to punish those responsible for the eight years of bloody war in the now-independent Donetsk and Lugansk states, Russia is taking the fight all the way to the “neo-Nazis and drug addicts” in Kiev, giving the boys (and girls) of NATO a little tingle as they wonder if perhaps they will actually be called upon to do something for the first time in their careers and lay down their lives for the likes of the Azov Battalion and the Blackwater scumbags who train them. (Yes, I know Ukraine is not a member of NATO and there is no Article 5 responsibility there. NATO doesn’t seem to know this, however).

Perhaps understandably, given the much-inflated variations on this drama that are playing out in the world’s media (Ukrainians are googling how to make Molotov cocktails! but wait, we thought they broadcast the ingredients on the radio! or weren’t all their university students halting their chemistry experiments to make them? maybe they taught their cats to do it!) all eyes are on Ukraine, most of us hoping this doesn’t degenerate into the World War 3 that certain excessively powerful sociopaths are clearly lusting after (you don’t hit multiple non-combatant merchant ships with missiles unless you’re trying to make a regional mess into a global one). More importantly, they aren’t lusting after it for the usual reasons (fat weapons contracts, the chance to plunder another nation’s natural resources) – at least not only for those reasons.

That’s right, while everyone is on the edge of their seat over the events unfolding in and around Kiev (will Zelensky take the US’ offer of help or won’t he? Will the US drop him out of a helicopter and say their fingers slipped or won’t they?) the self-identified “adults in the room” will be quietly hammering out a “global pandemic treaty” that has the unusual distinction of being legally binding internationally – that means it supersedes the national laws of any of the 194 WHO member countries that will be expected to sign it.

Some of you may recall the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (a global body co-run by the WHO and the World Bank, if you can believe that such an unspeakable alliance exists) issued a report in 2019 requiring the WHO to have completed a “simulation” regarding the release of a deadly respiratory pathogen by September 2020. That paper appears to no longer exist on the agency’s site, at least not at the link where it was previously found. How strange that they would seek to remove something which clearly took a lot of effort (and not a little graphic design) to put together! Fortunately, we still have, at least until they get wind of this and remove it (yes, is being taken over by the fact-check pod-people).

Skip to page 10, or just read the second bullet point above. Remember, this report came out in 2019, before Event 201, before the Military World Games, before the OMFGVIRUS that has dominated our world for the last two years. The simulation was never supposed to be permanent – that wouldn’t be much of a simulation, would it? Now read the first bullet point, and the third. Better yet, just read the whole document, or at least the executive summary. They’re calling for the development of an international legally-binding set of pandemic regulations that would comprise a “systemwide response for health emergencies.”

There will simply be a single global pandemic-based government, ensuring citizens are properly vaccinated as they move between the entities once known as “nations” but now more correctly as “states,” and since we’ll have to use digital passports in order to monitor our ever-shifting immunities given the veritable storm of viruses that have been prepared to assail our once-functional immune systems, might as well throw in the whole Known Traveler Digital Identity (I covered this at much greater length here – search “KTDI”) and ensure that every border you cross not only gets a record of your immunizations but also your finances, your credit score, and yes, your social credit score.

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