Sunday, February 27, 2022

What Could The Russia-Ukraine War Mean For You?

What Could the Russia-Ukraine War Mean for You?

How is the Russia-Ukraine war going to impact the American? What can we see coming down the pipeline? What are the next steps of this crisis? Here is how I currently believe this is going to impact us:

For starters, let us remember that Ukraine is “The Breadbasket of Europe.” Due to a lack of personnel, farmers not planting crops, equipment being destroyed, and a number of other factors, there is likely to not be any Ukrainian harvest this year at all, or at the very least, it will be substantially reduced.

This in turn is going to lead to Europe having difficulty in procuring food supplies. If we follow the rule of supply and demand, we’re going to see this result in an increase in prices and food scarcity here within the United States. Europeans are still going to need to eat, and they are going to buy the food they need somewhere. Much of it is going to come from the United States, and they are going to be willing to pay a high price for it.

Farmers who can get an additional $2000/ton of corn by selling overseas are going to do so. Your food supply will be directly impacted as a result, further exacerbating the current supply chain problems that the United States is experiencing. This combined with the fertilizer problems we are going to face this year is a recipe for disaster.

China is likely to take Taiwan in the very near future

This is what they’ve been waiting for. This serves as a distraction and a “justification” of sorts. We’re already seeing ramped up rhetoric here. On Thursday, nine Chinese jets were spotted in Taiwanese airspace.

Taiwan has zero chance of making it out of this alive. They will be obliterated in record time. They will be facing off against overwhelming force with nowhere to run. Your ability to get electronic goods from Taiwan will disappear, and with that comes increased wait times, prices, and shortages of electronics goods.

Europe is eventually going to have a problem getting fuel

A great deal of Europe’s natural gas is supplied to them via pipelines which travel through Ukraine. Once Ukraine falls – and it will – this natural gas is gone. This will be used as a form of coercion to get the European Union to bow to its will, a natural consequence of nations refusing to be as energy independent as possible.

Will this in turn affect the prices of fuel in the United States? I think it is highly likely. Again, consider the law of supply and demand. If Europeans now are in desperate need of fuel, whether that be petroleum or natural gas, they are going to be willing to pay extra to get it. If OPEC can get more money per barrel to a European than they can from an American, they are going to sell to the Europeans.

The only likely possibility I see here is for this war to expand.

NATO can either respond or not respond. If they do not respond, there is going to be public outrage. In many ways, this is going to be political suicide. Politicians want to retain power, and as Brandon Smith has pointed out, I believe an enlarged war will give better results to the globalist agenda than would a contained war.

This is why I think that in some way or another, NATO is going to respond. The sanctions mean absolutely nothing. “We won’t buy your wheat,” was quickly followed up by China telling Russia that they would buy Russian wheat instead, rendering this sanction useless.

All other sanctions against Russia are nothing other than show. They will do nothing other than further enrage the bear. Once NATO responds, this will be viewed as an American action. NATO is America. We foot the bill and provide the blood. The rest of the countries involved are nothing more than parasites of American money and the security American soldiers provide. With the USA out of the equation, Europe would be ripe for the pickings.

With mercantile ships being blown up by Russia right now, eventually somebody is going to end up pissed off enough to enter the fray. If you’re familiar with the sinking of The Lusitania, you’re familiar with how America entered World War 1.

That being said, when Washington DC responds (and it will), you’re going to see a very severe escalation of violence on American soil.

As we saw with Ukraine, I think this is going to start off with cyberattacksagainst a very vulnerable electric grid (as has been pointed out many times before), against our banks, and against government-run websites. You will likely see acts of sabotage that are removed enough to be viewed by the sheeple as a “coincidence.” Do you remember the strange pipeline explosionthat happened in Ukraine just prior to the invasion? That is the kind of action you are going to see here.

While I had been hesitant to paint this as a possibility in the past, I truly believe that the threat of nuclear war is higher than it ever was during The Cold War. This is something you need to start thinking about now.

Are you familiar with the Plan A simulation conducted by the Pentagon in 2019? It analyzed the political consequences of NATO expansion to close to Russia. The simulation ends with a nuclear holocaust.


john said...

A friend of mine said, “If you see an expanding conflict in Europe you may see a nuclear war and carnage on a Biblical scale. I replied,
True talk! I believe we are living in days that were long ago foretold…
We are living in Bible times long ago recorded so we could recognize the nearness of the return of the King!
A Biblical Scale is a good lens through which to develop a solid, stable, and realistic Worldview.
ThankY’Kindly for sharing Scott!
Trusting in the Providence of Christ as we soldier on through the Pilgrims Progress of a faith Journey where the God of Heaven is present and trustworthy friend…

Anonymous said...

There is lots of chaos, strife, negativity going on, true. What about, praying about great outcomes? What about, enjoying the moment here on Earth rather than always thinking of Heaven? We know Heaven awaits us, we win in the end. Knowing Heaven can be our slice of Heaven while on Earth, mankind needs to make it so.

Unfortunately due to free will, we live with the few that have abused our Governmental System, our resources thus selling us out, and IMO reversible power-grabs by reprobate minds. So, lets envision a revival to balance this evil versus good, and fighting the good fight for uplifting our God given rights to do so!
If we allow evil to subdue us, to overcome our resolve, we will now live in the moment where we can produce change and not retreat, in my opinion!