Thursday, February 3, 2022

Is A Backlash Coming?

When Lies are Exposed by the Truth– Trust is lost, sometimes Forever

THE NATIONAL PRESS in America barely covered the anti-mandate, anti-lockdown rally in D.C. the other Sunday, and when they did, they mostly described it as an “anti-vaccine rally.” That’s a ridiculous thing to say about an event involving some 10K-plus people who have had enough of the coercive impositions of the last two years.To be in attendance, they braved the cold, the cruelties of today’s plane travel, the D.C. vaccination and mask mandates, the prospect of being doxxed from facial recognition technology, plus the financial strains that have hit so many families due to business closures and inflation.

All differences of opinion aside, the main message was that everyone has a right to freedom. Let’s get back to the progress we were experiencing in our lives before this great disruption.

The Backlash Is Here:  Today there is massive pent-up frustration out there, alongside depression, ill health, financial hardship and generalised shock to discover that we live in countries where freedom can no longer be taken for granted. We know now that at any moment, they can close our businesses and our churches and take away our right to travel or even to show a smile, on any pretext, it’s absolutely astonishing!  But now, at last, many professionals of repute are reconsidering their stance on lockdowns.  It’s taken two bloody years!

Is a backlash coming? Not ‘coming’, it’s already here, witness the heroic Canadian Truckers lighting the roaring fires of resistance. The Predatory Globalists have absolutely overplayed their hand this time. In the coming few years, they will rediscover that rulers in every society must acquiesce to the consent of the governed over the long term.

When that consent is withdrawn, the results can be wildly unpredictable, but they generally mitigate against the rulers and in favour of a new way of doing things.  How can I be so confident about this?  History is a great teacher and students of this rewarding discipline can often imagine the future.  It comes down to differing ways in viewing the course of history.


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