Monday, August 9, 2021

The New Segregation

Covid vaccine passports are a form of “modern day segregation,” warns Dr. Drew

Dr. David Drew Pinsky, better known as “Dr. Drew,” is speaking out against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine passports,” calling the idea a form of “modern day segregation.”In a recent tweet, Dr. Drew revealed that only 28.4 of the “black community” has received a Chinese Virus injection from Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” program, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This means that most black people in America will no longer be able to participate in society, at least not in areas where proof of “vaccination” is required for entry.

“The CDC reported today that only 28.4% of the black community have received the Covid vaccine,” Dr. Drew writes. “With states like CA and NY mandating vaccine passports to enter restaurants and businesses, the black community would be most affected by this modern day segregation.”

There are, of course, tens of millions of white people who are also refusing to get jabbed with a Fauci Flu shot. They, too, will be treated like second-class citizens in areas where the medical fascists have decided to impose a new system of apartheid based on injection status.

Dr. Drew has said other “politically incorrect” things in the past, including when he warned about Los Angeles collapsing into Third World status due to rampant homelessness and illegal immigration.

Dr. Drew worries that they are being used to further divide America into two separate countries: one where health freedom is a value, and the other where “comply or die” is the “law” of the land.

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