Monday, August 9, 2021

French Police Begin Random Checking For Vaccine Papers

It's starting: Police demand papers from restaurant goers in horrifying video

Months ago, they called us "conspiracy theorists" for warning that vaccine mandates were on the way.

They said we were crazy for thinking totalitarian governments would be demanding us to show our papers if we wanted to go out in public.

Well, now it's happening in France and, if the political establishment gets its way, it'll be happening in the U.S. as well.

On Monday, Antony Paone, a French reporter for Reuters, revealed in a Twitter video that French police are randomly spot-checking civilians for their vaccine papers.

"The first #Police checks started as a preventive measure in #Paris in cafes and restaurants where the #PassSanitaire is mandatory as of today," Paone wrote in the Twitter post, according to Google Translate.

The officers shown in the video are enforcing a new French law that went into effect on Monday requiring the country's residents to show proof of vaccination or immunity when they enter cafés, restaurants or a number of other public venues according to Politico.

Those who get the vaccine will be given a "COVID green pass," Politico reported, which will be "a digital or paper certificate that contains proof of vaccination or of immunity."

Hefty fines await business and French citizens who refuse to comply with the new law.

Suggestions that such laws may soon come for the U.S. are not as far-fetched as the left would like you to believe.

After all, the past year-and-a-half has seen the American government institute a number of like-minded totalitarian policies in regard to COVID-19.

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