Friday, August 27, 2021

Is ADE Beginning?

Dr. Peter McCullough Tells RFK, Jr.: ‘The Vaccines Are Failing’

Why is the world experiencing such a “prominent outbreak” of the Delta variant when so many people have been vaccinated?

Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough addressed those questions and more on the “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.”

New research shows people who are vaccinated against COVID are more susceptible to the Delta variant, said McCullough, pointing to a pre-print study by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group published Aug. 10 in The Lancet.

The paper’s authors demonstrated widespread vaccine failure and transmission under tightly controlled circumstances in a hospital lockdown in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. The study found vaccinated people carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated, the study found.

“They had an outbreak and they locked down the hospital where the workers could not get out,” said McCullough. “They were assiduously checking the workers and testing them for COVID, as well as doing sequencing.”

The researchers found workers were still getting COVID during the lockdown period, said McCullough, and they were passing it to one another.

The study’s big finding is their calculation of viral load, McCullough said:

“This group had actually calculated viral load from oral and nasal secretions in the past. The viral load was 251 times that of the previous unvaccinated era where they had used the same methodology. So, they had previous workers and patients who had COVID-19 before any exposure to the vaccines. And now the vaccinated were carrying a massive viral load and passing it to one another.”

The efficacy for the Pfizer vaccine is measured as being anywhere from 17% to 42% effective.

“These levels are far below the 50% regulatory standard to even have a vaccine on the market,” said McCullough.

Regardless of the variant or the vaccine, McCullough said the bottom line is that “the vaccines are failing.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So we knew those genetic jab experimental drugs were failing long time ago, in my opinion. Which means, they should had been removed a long time ago, so big question is, why were they not removed? We were failed too by the failure implemented to control populace by corrupted governing, iMO!

Now, the failing protection from those jabs is so obvious, the deaths, and injuries so common from jabs as reputed, it would never make sense for any bogus passport Tyrannically attempted to pass mustard, in my opinion; Can't be done legally, nor reasonably, making this whole charades void & null, yet with many crimes committed along the way needing investigations on, in my opinion!

Feels like we are in a Movie, nothing is real, just made up propaganda through Psychological warfare for control and IMO, it's failing too!

This will end badly, but outcome will surprise many, and
in due time NWO gang will try to come up with something else, IMO! Meanwhile, creative thinking for ways to cease, stonewall, impede, halt, circumvent, another dose of stupid, will be under way as well. America is in survival mode for Freedoms, upheld laws, decent folks put into Government, and prayers to forge forth among all the dung thrown at us that accumulated to dirty tricks played on us by those that forgot, they must either serve us, or get out of the way, or preferred by most, to be taken away, IMO!! (: