Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Globalists Rush Towards Socialism/Communism As Shortages, Famine, Death To Follow

As The Globalists Rush Socialism Into America, Expect Shortages, Starvation And Mass Deaths To Follow: Covid Lockdowns 2.0 Would Kill The Economy And Push America Off The Financial Cliff

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger warned in a Wall Street Journal article the coronavirus crises could lead to global economic doom. He wrote an opinion piece with a catastrophic proclamation that “failure could set the world on fire,” The elderly internationalist believes the Trump White House did “a solid job in avoiding immediate catastrophe.” He says the US needs to work quickly to find a cure, pitch in to rebuild the global economy, and protect the “liberal world order.” 

Others express the same conclusion as expressed in headlines I’ve gathered: Complete collapse of economies’ ahead in Africa; Recession Bread Lines Forming; The evidence is clear: Democrats are pushing America toward economic disaster; and others. 

In an interview for his New York Times best-seller, Aftershock, Robert Wiedemer said, “The data is clear, 50% unemployment, a 90% stock market drop, and 100% annual inflation . . . starting as soon as next year.” Wiedemer has an outstanding record in that in 2006, he and a team of economists foresaw the coming collapse of the U.S. housing market, equity markets, private debt, and consumer spending and published their findings in America’s Bubble Economy. So, it would be prudent to assume he knows of which he speaks. 

Hidden in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 is a new $570 million family leave account exclusively for federal workers. It provides a payment of $1,400 for a single taxpayer ($2,800 for joint filers), in addition to $1,400 per dependent. It provides National Endowment for the Arts $135 million; National Endowment for the Humanities $135 million, Institute of Museum and Library Services $200 million; Native American Language Preservation $20 million; Assistance to State Governments and District of Columbia $195.3 billion; Local governments $130.2 billion; to Tribal Governments $20 billion; and Territorial Governments $4.5 billion. There is over $166 billion to various boondoggles for public education; and much, much more. 

I don’t usually write obscene statements, but the above paragraph is outrageously obscene. It is shocking that taxpayers have not flooded the Capitol and confronted the House and Senate and assorted bureaucrats. It seems Socialism is the drug of choice for leftist radicals in both parties. 

Wow, in the past, such a spending bill would turn the town folk into raving anarchists rushing down the streets with flaming torches and pitchforks to tar and feather every Congressman and Senator who voted for such a monstrosity. But it was no big deal which shows how far we have traveled on the Road to Socialism. 

We are almost there. 

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