Tuesday, August 10, 2021

CDC Admits To 'Misinformation' Over % Of Covid Hospitalizations And Deaths

CDC Knowingly Spread Misinformation That 99% of COVID Deaths Were Among Unvaccinated

Federal health bureaucrats told the American people for months that the COVID-19shot provided protection against serious illness and that 99 percent of COVID-related hospitalizations occurred in the unvaccinated population.

Newly released data and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky‘s admission now prove that scientific data never supported those assurances, Information Liberation reported.

Walensky said the false 99.5 percent figure came from earlier data “from analyses in several states from January through June and didn’t reflect the data that we have now from the Delta variant.”

To arrive at the pro-vaccine numbers, the CDC picked states and the timeframe that best-suited its desired clinical outcomes.

NIAID Director Anthony Fauci repeated the false claim on July 28.

“99.5 percent of the deaths, in the United States, are among unvaccinated people, and 0.5 percent are among vaccinated people,” he said. “Boy, if there ever was a statistic that would stimulate someone to get vaccinated, I think this one is it.”

The CDC’s own data from May, however, shows that 15 percent of COVID-19 deaths happened in the vaccinated population.

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy joined Fauci and Walensky in purposefully spreading outdated misinformation.

“I am worried about what is to come because we are seeing increasing cases among the unvaccinated in particular,” Murthy said in mid-July, according to The Hill. “And while if you are vaccinated you are very well protected against hospitalization and death, unfortunately that is not true if you are not vaccinated.”

Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson said public data indicates that the immunity for vaccinated people has deteriorated even more since May.

2/ But wait, it gets WORSE.

May’s rate was five times (yes, 5x!) April’s. The slide no has no June number, but the public state data suggests June was even higher.

Further, Delta was not a significant issue in May – suggesting the problem has nothing to do with Delta.

— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) July 30, 2021

Walensky blamed the changing numbers on the new variant, not on the vaccine’s waning effectiveness.

She said the CDC is “actively working to update those in the context of the Delta variant.”

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Biden,

Why are you trying to kill us?!?

-concerned citizens