Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Bahraini Official Warns: 'Iran's Footprints In Every Regional Flashpoint'

Visiting Israel, Bahraini official says 'Iran's footprints in every regional flashpoint'

A senior Bahraini official visiting Israel warned on Sunday that restoring the nuclear deal with Iran would be counterproductive.

The kingdom's undersecretary for political affairs at the Foreign Ministry, Abdulla bin Ahmed bin Abdulla Al Khalifa, met with reporters and said that the 2015 nuclear deal between the world powers and Tehran "did not contribute anything positive."

He noted that "the deal only addressed Iran's nuclear program, not with its missile program or its regional aggression."

The comments were made against the ongoing tension between Israel and Iran over suspected Iranian attacks on Israeli-linked vessels regionץ A de facto coalition has been formed between Sunni Gulf states led by Saudi Arabia and Israel to counter Iran's growing interference and violence through proxies in Yemen, Lebanon and Syria. The Abraham Accords, which are a series of normalization deals between Israel and four Arab countries brokered by the Trump administration, have helped cement this unofficial alliance, especially as the new administration in Washington continues to engage Iran on a new nuclear deal that could see major provisions from 2015 restored.

The Bahraini official stressed on Sunday that "Iran continues to meddle in the internal affairs of my country, and sends explosives and weapons, as well as kills and injures thousands." He lamented that "this has continued for many years and you can find Iran's footprints in every regional flashpoint." He said the deal failed to produce any meaningful change when it comes to Iran's aggression, "it only worsened the crisis."

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