Tuesday, August 10, 2021

An Inside Look At The Propaganda Being Used: Worst Is Yet To Come

Renowned propaganda expert: Worst is still to come in global psy op if people do not rise up and resist

‘If you have a vaccination passport which you need to get into your supermarket, you’re not actually free anymore’ 

Any student of military history will tell you: wars don’t just happen.

They are always foreshadowed by a propaganda operation intended to soften up the target, wear people down, weaken their resolve to fight.

The most successful operations come down to this simple strategy: identify your enemy, segregate, isolate, then annihilate.

Piers Robinson, co-director of the Organization for Propaganda Studies, is an internationally recognized expert on propaganda, but not just any propaganda.

His focus is on conflict and war and the role of propaganda within that framework. He is also an associate researcher with the Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 ‘War on Terror’ and has served as an advisor to NATO leaders.

From 2016 to 2019, Professor Robinson chaired the department of politics, society and political journalism at the University of Sheffield.

He spoke at length about the propaganda aspects of Covid-19 in an Aug. 4 interview with Asia Pacific Today of Australia

“Covid-19 is probably one of the biggest propaganda operations we’ve seen in history because of the global nature and the resources put into it,” Robinson said.  “It was pretty clear from the beginning that propaganda was being employed.”

In the U.S. one of the main spigots of propaganda has been Dr. Anthony Fauci and the media’s elevation of this man to god-like status, hanging on his every word and never pressing him to provide data to back up his constantly swerving pronouncements

Every Western government has their version of Fauci, spouting ever-changing, confusing information meant to keep the population off balance, afraid and confused.

A fearful, dazed and weary public is less able to resist the dizzying array of draconian policies coming from governments, from facemask rules and incessant testing to quarantines of the healthy and mandatory mass vaccinations.

In his latest effort to prepare Americans for even greater medical tyranny, Fauci got on national TV Aug. 8 and said “a flood” of new Covid vaccine mandates are coming down the pike as soon as the shots get FDA approval, which he expects to happen as soon as next month.

Corporations are already piling on. Forbes reported Aug. 8 that companies are not only threatening to fire the unvaccinated; they are beginning to tack on a special surcharge of up to $50 for employees, deducting it from the paychecks of those who refuse the experimental shot.

Fauci has literally terrorized the American public for 18 months, wearing them down with a steady diet of propaganda.

Which gets us back to Robinson, who has decades of studies under his belt in the art of propaganda in war time.

After watching the above video, see my recent reports on this topic and you will begin to understand how the Covid narrative has been carefully controlled from the outset, with a clear end game in sight:

    Robinson documents how the British government sought expert advice from behavioral psychologists on how to use the media to manipulate public opinion by ratcheting up the level of fear surrounding the Covid pandemic.

One such group was SPI-B or the Independent Scientific Influenza Group on Behaviors.

“The key part of SPI-B’s behavioral change strategy that seems to have been adopted was to ‘persuade through fear,'” Robinson said.

The persuasion section of the document states: “A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened.”

Appendix B of the documents lists 10 options that can be used to increase social distancing in the public.

Option 2 advises: “Use media to increase sense of personal threat.”

SPI-B recommendations were to increase the sense of personal threat and “use hard hitting emotional messaging.” This included taglines such as:

  • “Anyone can get it. Anyone can spread it.”
  • “Don’t put your friends and family in danger.”
  • “Stay home for your family. Don’t put their lives in danger.”
  • “If you go out, you can spread it. People will die.”

Use of hysterical media headlines was another big part of the strategy.

If that didn’t work, the psychologists argued for shame and approvaltactics.

SPI-B psychologists knew that fear on its own would not persuade everyone. Messaging needed to be tailored to take into account different “motivational levers.”

Thus, the document suggested using both social approval and disapproval, with government compulsion as a backup, as follows:

  • Option 6: Use and promote social approval for desired behaviors.
  • Option 7: Consider enacting legislation to compel required behaviors.
  • Option 8: Consider use of social disapproval for failure to comply.

As if on cue, the “heroes and covidiots” narrative began to appear in the “news.”

The word “covidiots” was coined in spring 2020 by The Economist, the official magazine of the world’s most elite globalists. The magazine described “covidiots” as follows:

“The term “covidiot” describes any and every person behaving stupidly or irresponsibly as the epidemic spreads. Sometime in early March the word was born, and, almost as fast as the virus spread, so did instances of covidiotic behavior.”

It became obvious to Robinson that the extreme government responses had nothing to do with public health.

“What has becoming increasingly clear is this is not being driven by a health crisis,” he said. “We are seeing profound changes in our society.”

The changes include everything from the introduction of digital currencies and vaccine passports with scannable QR codes, to the regulation of worship services and small businesses.

The World Economic Forum immediately seized on the Covid pandemic as an “opportunity” to change the economic, political and social structure of the free world. Elites at the WEF, United Nations, the British Royal family, the Vatican, World Bank and International Monetary Fund did not hide their excitement about the “opportunity” that came with a global pandemic. In fact they were very open about it, writing books, making speeches and participating in glitzy promotional videos posted to YouTube.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One supposes it's a bit like when your mom said, "So, if your friend jumps off the bridge, does this mean you have to jump to?" Something of this nature was expressed indicating if other's do something foolish, doesn't mean you should too!!

No, just because those you know, or those you don't know, if they are doing experiments that can make them sick, die, diseased, doesn't mean you have to too! We have heard enough for those that know ALL that is going on, how, why, researched revealings, the end game sought by those doing this to the Free World, and so of course we don't do what is NOT in either our, or humanities best interest, IMO!!!
Now, we feel sad for those that are beaten down, scared, sick, vulnerable, and brainwashed! There is always hope that perhaps the numbers are far greater that see the light, and we all can help lift us back on level ground, might take a minute! Keep praying, keep using that brain God blessed you with, and listen to your prayers answered!