Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Fauci Calls For More Mandates

Fauci Tells MSNBC Who's Next For Vaxx Mandate: "I'm Going To Upset People On This"

First it was all federal workers, and then then all service members of the military, and now a national vaccine mandate is being discussed for all school teachers. Or rather, the federal government would encourage and back state and local government efforts to require that teachers get vaxxed. 

This as the debate over making school children mask up is raging, as major school districts like Dallas and others across the nation have said the school year will take place in masks. On Tuesday the US government's top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci said during an appearance on MSNBC: "I'm going to upset people on this but I think we should [mandate teacher vaccinations]." 

"I mean, we are in a critical situation now. We have had 615,000 deaths and we are in a major surge now as we're going into the fall, into the school season. This is very serious business."

The provocative comments came after the head of the American Federation of Teachers issued a statement in support of a nationwide coronavirus vaccine mandate for teachers across the country. "COVID-19 vaccinations should be required for U.S. teachers to protect students who are too young to be inoculated, the head of the nation's second-largest teachers' union said on Sunday, shifting course to back mandated shots as more children fall ill," Reuters wrote of Randi Weingarten's statement in support of a national mandate.

Fauci in his latest comments still acknowledged the difficulty of fighting local governments on this, given for example the current standoff over mandating masks in places like Texas and Florida... "You would wish that people would see why it's so important for people to get vaccinated," Fauci said. "But you're not going to get mandates, centrally, from the federal government."

"I'm sorry I know people must like to have their individual freedom and not be told to do something," Fauci said. "But I think that we're in such a serious situation now, that under certain circumstances, mandates should be done."


Anonymous said...

Oh boy, here we go....again!

Kem said...

It's beginning to look as if we are all going to be forced to take the kill injection "vaccine" if we want to be able to grocery shop or stay out of concentration camps.

Anonymous said...

Or, the numbers are the key here perhaps? Fauci loves his made up numbers to push his propaganda lies, his ghastly experiments, this diabolical virus hype pushed fear IMO, right?
Lets give him numbers, great amount of numbers of American's that don't want to do what other's are doing, therefore the greater the numbers that just say "NO", the numbers will count this time, because the numbers can be real, say a prayer! Uphold our laws, because Fauci evidently does not know them, IMO!