Tuesday, August 3, 2021

A Primer On The Communist Movement

A Lesson on the Communist Movement: An Expert Speaks

In this age of “technicity,” “sociology,” and “economics,” many people do not take ideas seriously. Instead of ideas, they have catchwords. Everything is resolved into one catchword; and that catchword is “science.” The Marxists and their fellow travelers have claimed “science” as their very own; that is, they claim the social sciences, climate science, and medical science (regarding viruses, vaccines, lock-downs, etc.).As this catchphrase of “science” is paraded before us, we are told that “ideology” is dead. 

The Marxists have promoted this slogan themselves, and the non-Marxist world has believed them. Somehow, man can exist without ideas because he has “science.” In truth, however, ideas are behind everything. The economy is driven by ideas, religion depends on “ideas.” Even the world of fashion is nothing more than an ever-shifting mall of ideas. Politics is nothing without ideas, and the same can be said about “science.”

Everyone is so dependent on ideas, that they are constantly reciting and repeating ideas, over and over again – as if to hypnotize themselves with ideas. Every time we call America a “democracy,” we are asserting an idea of how our system works, or how it is supposed to work. Of course, this idea, like so many others, is a myth. Every issue in America is not decided by voting. Voting usually takes place every two years for the House of Representatives, every four years for President and Vice President, every six years for each U.S. Senate seat. You may think it a scandal, but America was not conceived by the Founding Fathers as a “democracy,” but as a mixed system which combined the simple forms of the state into separate powers balanced each against the other. This, again, is an idea which originated in ancient Greece (with the Spartans). It was the idea on which the Roman Republic was based. Democracy is only part of our system. It has also been pointed out, especially by Robert Michels in a book titled Political Parties, that democracy is just another way of organizing oligarchy. By discrediting and replacing all our ideas with their “science,” the Marxists hope to become the ruling oligarchy of America and the world.

Ideas matter very much. And even if we do not know it, we have all been programmed by the ideas that constantly circulate in society and inside our heads. If we ask what the ruling ideas of our time might be, we can immediately turn to a group of ideas that all go together: global warming, feminism, Critical Race Theory, LGBTQ liberation, “take the jab,” open borders, socialism, etc. These are the emerging, ruling ideas of our time – in North America and Europe. And every one of these ideas has been pushed forward by the “communist movement.” These ideas have been pushed by the various communist parties and communist front groups in the West; by Marxist professors, activists, writers, etc.

To explain how all this works, I contacted an expert on the communist movement. He is known as “Jimmy from Brooklyn” because that is the name he is known by on various conservative talk radio shows. For many years Jimmy has been attempting to educate our well-foddered, famous talk radio hosts on the fake collapse of the Soviet Union and the ongoing rise of communism.

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