Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Coming Globalism:

Disturbing Trends Foreshadow a Coming Global Tyranny

Britt Gillette

The past year has seen a number of disturbing trends take hold in the United States and in countries throughout the world. Unless reversed, these authoritarian trends promise to usher in a new era of global tyranny and totalitarian government. Many who live in western democratic nations are in denial of these trends. But they should note that elected governments, personal liberty, and freedom are the exception, not the rule. Human history is the story of powerful, centralized governments – governments that trample the liberties of individuals. The freedom and liberty of the recent past is extremely rare and it’s never guaranteed. Each generation must fight to preserve it. The year 2020 is no exception, and we’ve seen several trends emerge that pose a direct threat to freedom and liberty.

Coronavirus Lockdowns And Restrictions

The first of these 2020 trends is obvious. COVID-19 has dominated headlines all year. And as with any crisis, politicians have taken advantage of the situation to grab more power and control. While complete lockdowns on freedom of movement and economic activity weren’t surprising in Chinese cities like Wuhan, it was a surprise to see similar lockdowns in the western world.

Countries such as Italy, Spain, and France announced nationwide lockdowns, ordering all “non-essential” workers to stay home and shelter in place. Draconian restrictions governed when people could leave their homes and who they could interact with. Police raided private residences to break up illegal parties and many people turned in their neighbors.

While the deadliness of the pandemic has waned since the spring, the government lockdowns and COVID regulations keep coming. Last month, the Australian city of Melbourne ended one of the world’s longest lockdowns – 139 days. In the United States, some governors have issued shelter in place orders and onerous rules for how and when restaurants and other businesses can operate. In fact, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito recently pointed to court cases where coronavirus restrictions “blatantly discriminated against houses of worship.” Nevada, he said, treated casinos more favorably than churches. All over the United States, governors have issued executive orders that violate the First Amendment freedoms to peaceably assemble and freely exercise religion.

The Coming Global Tyranny

None of this should surprise you. Long ago, the Book of Revelation foretold the establishment of a global authoritarian regime. The Bible says a global dictator known as the Antichrist will one day rule over every “tribe, people, language, and nation” (Revelation 13:7). He will have unprecedented power and control over the world population. This control will include the ability to require everyone on earth to receive a mark on the right hand or the forehead (Revelation 13:16). Without this mark, the people of the world will be unable to buy or sell anything (Revelation 13:17). How will this work? It remains to be seen. But the worldwide rush to create government-sponsored cryptocurrencies provides us with a glimpse as to how such a system might work. A global government-controlled cryptocurrency will provide him with such a system.

In addition, Big Tech companies and artificial intelligence will give the Antichrist unprecedented access to personal communications and massive power to decide what news is shared, who receives a platform, and who is allowed to participate in societal debate. The trend toward cancel culture and vilification of political opponents also provides fertile ground for such a dictator.

So what does all this mean? It means we’re fast approaching a time the prophets warned about. We’re in the midst of a global pandemic (Luke 21:11). Israel is back in the land (Jeremiah 23:7-8). The Jewish people are back in Jerusalem (Luke 21:24-28). And the Gospel is being preached throughout the world (Matthew 24:14). The end times approach. The tribulation, the Antichrist, and global government aren’t far behind. But this means the rapture is also near. So don’t despair. While it appears the world is falling apart, all this is part of God’s divine plan. It’s a plan that should fill every Christian with peace. We know how this ends. It ends with Jesus coming (Revelation 22:20), and He’s coming soon!

America’s unhinged, psychotic and sociopathic ruling class and their lapdog propagandists in the mainstream “media” continue to do as much as possible to stampede the public into mass panic over COVID-19 in order to generate support for, or prevent opposition to, various totalitarian agenda points including new and aggressive lockdowns, biometric tracking, digital identity, and other platform proposals for the United Nations/World Economic Forum’s communist “Great Reset.” 

Don’t buy into the fear — it is unjustified. They want you to believe that a frighteningly large number of people, including children, will die from COVID. The fact is, the vast majority of people will not die from COVID-19 under current circumstances.

A current part of the panic propaganda is based on appealing to people’s innate and instinctual fear for the safety of children. “Think of the children” has long been a cherished propaganda ploy used by statists seeking to pass onerous legislation that limits freedom and arrogates additional powers to the state. It is no different today with COVID.

As a recent example, multiple mainstream-media sources carried a variation of this headline as it appeared in the New York Daily News on November 16: “More than 1 million kids in U.S. have had coronavirus, pediatricians say.”

The headline is designed to shock and awe and invoke a fear response. The article itself quotes a doctor who emphasizes the horror of the finding. “‘As a pediatrician who has practiced medicine for over three decades, I find this number staggering and tragic,’ Dr. Sally Goza, president of the AAP, said in a statement. ‘We haven’t seen a virus flash through our communities in this way since before we had vaccines for measles and polio.’”

First, the claim that the cited high number of cases among children is indicative of a large-scale threat is simply untrue. The U.K.’s Daily Mail reported on the same data as the New York Daily News. The Daily Mail opened with this observation: “Coronavirus infections among American children are rising but the death rate is continuing to fall, a new report finds.”

That report [PDF] from the American Academy of Pediatrics, which is the basis for both the Daily Mail and NY Daily News articles, reveals the actual number of American children to have died because of COVID. Dating from May 21 to November 12, the report states that 133 children have died. That number is revealed in “Appendix Table 2C: Summary of Child Mortality Data from 5/21 — 11/12.” That table also reveals that the percent of child cases resulting in death is 0.01 percent.

In other words, 99.99 percent of children who tested positive for COVID-19 did not die. In fact, COVID-19 is probably even less dangerous than this to children. The CDC’s “current best estimate” of the infection fatality rate (IFR) for children aged 0-19 is 0.00003. In other words, 99.997 percent of all people aged 0-19 will not die of COVID-19 even if they are infected, according to the CDC.

Kids, in fact, are far more likely to die from the dangers of everyday life than they are from COVID-19. As an example, consider deaths from car crashes. In 2016 over 4,000 children and teens died as a result of automobile accidents.

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