Thursday, November 26, 2020

Power And Control Becoming The Dominant Issue Of Our Times

Power Is An Illusion, Control Is A Facade

Brandon Smith

The question of the facade of power is about to become the defining question of our epoch as the elitist establishment accelerates their agenda for greater centralized control of our lives. 

This past year in numerous countries the public is being bombarded with lessons in power and control that have been forgotten for generations. I think the majority of westerners in particular have long believed themselves “safe” from totalitarian government, from collectivist micro-management and from communistic cultism. They thought we had moved beyond the nightmares of the 20th century. They thought that the “new world” was going to be more Utopian, and that freedom would grace us naturally along with technological progress.

Sure, in the back of everyone’s subconscious there is the fear that the good times are an illusion and that dystopia is just behind a thin veneer of economic stability and false optimism, but most people do not really think such catastrophes will happen in their lifetime. 

We are now in the midst of a deliberately over-hyped pandemic, strict national lockdowns, civil unrest, riots, aggressive tech censorship, intrusive government censorship, unprecedented corporate and treasury debt, stagflationary central bank stimulus and the collapse of massive financial bubbles. Yet, I still don’t get the impression that many in the public really grasp the extent of the danger; they still believe that the situation is going to heal itself without any effort or much sacrifice on their part

This is the first lesson of power: Entire societies can be easily influenced when they suffer from delusions that the bad times will be fleeting, and that governments will keep them safe no matter what.

It is a historically proven pattern that governments tend to CREATE problems instead of solving them, and this is because the power dynamic of government never changes. The politicians we “vote” for are not in control, rather, the elites who fund their campaigns and who permeate their cabinets are in control. 

Political representatives come and go, but the establishment elites never leave. Therefore, the problems our society faces will remain; they are a direct result of the subversive and perpetual power structure that serves the interest of a select minority rather than the public. The decline of our society into tyranny will not stop until this power structure and the people behind it are erased.

This would actually be a simple thing to achieve if enough people were to accept the truth and take action. The elites, the globalists, the establishment, the “new world order”, whatever you want to call this organization of power mongers, is but a collection of mostly weak and feeble psychopaths and parasites. They are completely out in the open; they proudly proclaim their affiliations and intentions on a regular basis through their host institutions, from the Council on Foreign Relations to Tavistock to Bilderberg to the World Economic Forum, the IMF, the Bank for International Settlements, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Open Society Foundation, etc. There is very little that is hidden about these people anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Article! Yep, Greed is Man's Downfall, and Jealousy Your Worst Enemy!
Now if those Elites were Godly souls we wouldn't have this concern; Obviously, they think they are God?? So yep, it would be delightful if many were arrested, proven crimes laid out, accountability applied!

Whose to say what will occur; Manifest our visions for God to show this Great Nation how to move forward; Those Power-Players whose crimes, their thirst for more power using abundance they possess, end game to control us, their exposure is a start, how this looks from here on in, don't know?

Tis why Trump's not cowing down to them, was both reassuring to many Americans, and a grave threat to those that stepped forward to arrogantly use their wealth webbed in criminal activity beyond our imaginations! They are but mere humans, this is where special ops need utilized by Trump, in my opinion, as another Article indicated
might be in the works??? Threat meets another Threat?