Words fail me to describe the profundity of this news
Legendary Special Forces (Green Beret) hero, Christopher C. Miller, has been appointed Acting Secretary of The Department of Defense by the President, following the sacking of Mark Esper.
Only a handful of insiders knew this move was coming, and Mark Esper—fired Secretary of Defense—was apparently not among them, though I’m sure he suspected his sacking was on the way.
In fact, Esper might be considered the enemy for publicly opposing the president’s use of The Insurrection Act of 1807 to put down the Marxist BLM/Antifa/Democrat riots over the summer with military forces—if needed.
The president never invoked this centuries-old Act, but Esper outed himself as a Sleeper for the Deep State with protestations against his boss—over something that never happened—which served the Marxists well.
But the jaw-dropping moment for me, was just before Special Forces Legend, Chris Miller’s speech, when the young man introducing him came to the podium.
I was just writing about him—former Undersecretary of Defense, Ezra Cohen-Watnick—and I did a double-take. It was the same man in my script.
Without getting too deep in the weeds as they say, this brilliant young man began his career in the only Constitutionally recognised intelligence force in America—Office of Naval Intelligence—which I found so interesting.
He was then ‘trained’ in Defense Clandestine Services and by the CIA in ‘tactics’ (I now believe to observe them), then moved to work in the Defense Intelligence Agency under Lt. General, Michael Flynn—all within about a decade after puberty.
He’s that smart, so when General Flynn became Director of National Intelligence and moved to the White House, he wisely brought Ezra Cohen-Watnick with him.
Deep State hacks who prompted General Flynn’s ouster—including President Trump’s Chief of Staff, Red-loving H.R. McMaster—also tried to have Cohen-Watnick removed, but President Trump would have none of it.
President Donald Trump knows talent—and this young man went to his alma mater, University of Pennsylvania—so perhaps he had his eye on Ezra.
Trump refused staff recommendation to fire Flynn’s protégée and moved Ezra to check out the Department of Justice—which many including myself believe was to keep an eye on Jeff Session and the hapless gang there.
His mission was not a job, in my opinion, but to gather evidence for what appears to be this very moment in history—a Reckoning with the Deep State.
Born in 1986, this brilliant young man at the age of just 34, is the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence—and was, in my opinion—symbolically chosen to introduce the new Department of Defense boss, Chris Miller, to send a signal to the rats that their days are numbered.
This real warrior, Christopher miller, will be protecting the president and our nation from enemies, both foreign and domestic—which seems to be a very long list
So let’s connect some dots—but not in order.
Here’s Clue 1
Attorney Sidney Powell is a relentless warrior whose shaking voice warned the Deep State last Thursday night in Trump’s litigation team’s press conference that she would ‘release the Kraken’ on them for what they had done to her country.
This fine lady was visibly and audibly upset by what she had just witnessed.
More forbidding to the bastards hiding in the dark, Sidney says she has ‘the receipts’ now to prove it.
And from what we’ve discovered from our sources here in Europe, we believe her, as CIA insiders have admitted providing her the goods—because she was protecting General Flynn—but we have nothing from Ezra Cohen-Watnick.
He is invisible and incommunicative—perhaps a wise choice as the most pursued man on earth.
Lt. General Flynn has been so corruptly and terribly destroyed by the Obama Department of Justice, the Courts and the Deep State, that it is amazing he is still alive—but it is doubtful he could have been the source for Sidney Powell, as he has been precluded from involvement by those who tore up his life—over nothing.
Yet we’ve been warned every step of the way what was coming by this thing called Q-Anon, yet no one knows who this is—or even if such a person exists.
We now think we know, and may God protect him.
How many Flynn protégées have waded through all the Swamp puddles and know where the snakes, alligators, lizards and frogs nest?
Just one—Ezra Cohen Watnick—General Flynn’s chief protégée.
Clue 3
Sidney Powell used the term ‘Release the Kraken’ to describe what she is going to do to the Deep State Democrat and RINO scum—and most thought she was referring to the legendary mythological octopus-like giant.
But she wasn’t.

“Kraken is a Department of Defense cyber warfare program that tracks and hacks other systems to acquire evidence of nefarious actions of other nations and enemies.” (Hat tip to Pam Geller Reports)
But we now know that the SCYTL server seizure was from a secret operation in Frankfurt—actually controlled by the CIA.
It appears the CIA partnered in the Obama scheme with his mentor, George Soros, the CCP and Globalists seeking ‘the Great Reset’, which is Marxist-speak for an overthrow of the U.S. Government—and its president—to “fundamentally transform the United States” as Obama promised.
So who in Sidney Powell’s orbit could possibly know about the secret CIA hacking program “Kraken”?
Was it just a coincidence that she used the one term that might let the rats know she was on to them at last Thursday’s presser?
And if her source knew the term, might he also have access to the program to hack and track the hackers?
If he were the man over all intel—oh say like Ezra Cohen-Watnick, her client’s Number One—he either knew about it and had access to it, or the lowlifes were breaking the law and he caught them red handed.
In my opinion, all mentioned in said Article is quite attainable, plausible, necessary, and better be in the process of being implemented for real!!!
Many American Citizen's desire a very "Merry Christmas", and a "Happy New Year"; If accountability for the crimes of those trying to overthrow our Government, are proven successful in stopping those Traitor's, certainty, this would be the best present ever in my life-time!! (:
In my opinion, they need to get Biden out of his win mode, put him & other's on trial, or just arrest them with evidence thus far, (should suffice)! Let President Trump pick up where he left off, soon the better!
Post rapture all of these schemes a moot point. We who Born Again long gone.
Wow! This is so revealing....and damning. Go to the full article so you can see all the clues, number 4 esp.
Just amazing!
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