Saturday, August 1, 2020

'One Way Or Another The Economy Is Going To Lockdown Again'


Mac Slavo

The ruling class has been warning us what’s coming, and still few are listening. Paul Krugman, infamous Kenysian even said: “one way or another, the economy is going to lockdown again.” That’s not a threat either. Rest assured, that’s a promise.
The elitists who use the puppets in the ruling class have been advertising their moves for a long time. Take Krugman’s promise, for example. “One way or another, the economy is going to lock down again,” he said on Tuesday night.  
This is exactly what’s needed for the New World Order. They must fully decimate what’s left of the economy and kill the dollar to force everyone onto a one-world digital currency and universal basic income.
Don’t want the COVID shot?  No money. Don’t want the flu shot? Can’t buy food. This is getting painfully obvious yet people are STILL in complete compliance mode and have acted as the perfect slaves for these psychopaths.
“This is where we’ve gotten to,” the noted economist lamented to CNN’s Don Lemon.“We squandered the chance to actually bring this thing (the coronavirus) under control,” he said, pointing to the premature reopening of states, which the propagandists need you to believe led to a “devastating resurgence of COVID-19.”
Krugman predicted a new lockdown would come about either “because governors and hopefully the president finally says ‘OK, we screwed it up, we need to do it over again’ or just because people are too afraid” to go out and resume business as usual. Did you catch that? They are literally telling us they need us to be afraid. Do these psychos actually feed on fear? Probably. It sure seems like it. The more terrified you are, the easier it will be to control you and the more egregious tyranny you’ll accept.

We are under full tyranny, and it’s getting worse by the day. Those who think “insurrection” is wrong, I implore you to use critical thinking for only a half a second and try to figure out how this entire country was formed in the first place. It certainly wasn’t by following the orders of anyone claiming to have power over others.

Wake up. Stock up on food because this autumn, things will start to unravel.

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