Monday, August 3, 2020

Cashless Enslavement?

Garrison: The Revenge Of "Real Money" Or "Cashless Enslavement Of Humanity"?

Just over 10 years ago I drew several pro-silver cartoons. One of them showed a giant, fast-moving silver coin cutting the JP Morgan ‘paper tiger’ in half. For years, JPM had shorted silver and has been doing it illegally and collusively. I knew this, but I went ‘all in’ on silver anyway because I thought JPM would have to cover and spark a massive short squeeze. I was convinced my long positions would make me a fortune. Instead JPM drove the price of silver down from almost $50 early in 2011 all the way down to $13 just a few years later. Paper covered rock. Needless to say, I learned a hard lesson about putting all my eggs in a silver basket.

Now silver is back up over $20 and some are predicting much higher prices on the horizon, just like they said over 10 years ago. Gold is also close to making ‘all-time highs,’ which is incorrect because inflation needs to be factored into such a high due to years of incessant dollar printing. Silver and gold have broken out higher due to a weaker dollar and some experts such as Peter Schiff claim ‘King Dollar’ will die due to over-printing.

The dollar is still greatly desired by America’s poor and the middle classes, whose wages have not risen much in nearly 30 years. They are not getting more dollars like citizens did in Weimar Germany. You won’t see dollars in wheelbarrows any time soon. Most of the Federal Reserve’s dollar printing goes directly to a handful of fantastically wealthy people at the top of the pyramid.

Many of them own the Federal Reserve. The Fed is propping up a market that is mostly owned by the top.

We The People are not receiving what the Fed is buying whether it is treasuries, corporate bonds, or ETFs, but we are forced to pay for it. Citizens must cough up more taxes to pay the interest on the absurdly high debt in order to make sure the fabulously rich get fabulously richer.

Until those at the very top start giving their money away to the rest of the country, the dollar will be fine.

No, I’m not advocating class warfare and it’s not socialism. What we’re seeing is not capitalism.

Gold and silver remain Constitutional money, but they are no longer in common circulation. Gold and silver (and copper, too) have been the best form of money throughout the ages, but no longer. They have become anachronisms and are incompatible with the digital age. There will be no revenge. Sure, the dollar can become gold backed once more, but that’s not likely.

What’s likely is the Fed will convert us to a cashless society and adopt a social credit system.

This will be the worst form of money because it will mean the total enslavement of humanity.

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