Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Shishaldin Volcano Active: Eruption Friday Produced Ash Cloud 24,000 ft

Shishaldin Volcano Erupted Friday, Producing Ash Cloud And Volcanic Lightning

Shishaldin Volcano had an eruption Friday morning that produced an ash cloud approximately 24,000 feet and volcanic lightning.

Matt Haney, a geophysicist with the Alaska Volcano Observatory, said the volcano  – located about 58 miles southwest of Cold Bay – has been active since July. 

"Shishaldin has been in an eruptive state for the past few months," said Haney. "It's been having lava flows that have been spreading out on the north side of the volcano. But interspersed with those lava flows have been these periods of explosive eruptive activity."

The AVO is monitoring the volcano closely. Haney said there are no indications of a major eruption, but that Shishaldin is a volcano with an ability to ramp up quickly.
"It's one of the most active volcanoes in the Aleutian Islands," said Haney. "Previous to this, it had an eruption in 2013. It also erupted in 2004. And it's last major eruption was in 1999, which produced an ash cloud to above 40,000 feet, perhaps as high as 50,000 feet."

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