Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Planned Crash, The Blame, And The Push For 'New World Order', Global Currency And Global Government

Globalists Have Set Operation 'Blame The Populists' In Motion 

The assertion? That the crash in fundamentals is due to the trade war and the trade war alone. And, the trade war is a product of nationalism and populism, thus, all populists are culpable for the crash. The central banks that created the massive financial bubble? They get a pass.

Beyond this, there are also some rather ridiculous mainstream reports of members of Trump’s cabinet, including Mnuchin and Ross, advising him against the latest tariffs on China. Really? The same banking elites and CFR members that were all for the trade war six months ago are now against it? 

Again, this only makes sense if you look at it from the perspective that Trump and conservatives are supposed to take the blame for the crash while the bankers escape any scrutiny. They “tried to warn Trump” after all, but he wouldn’t listen. He “went rogue”. This is absurd theater designed for gullible people.

Also, only people who do not understand how the globalist cabal functions believe that the Fed and other US based structures are at the top of the pyramid of control. The globalists are GLOBAL, the Fed is nothing more than a franchise and the dollar nothing more than a sacrificial mechanism that can be replaced. They have done it in the past and they can do it again. In fact, that is a plan they openly admit to.

As it stands, there will be unimaginable consequences for a crash within the US financial system, and many people will aim their hatred at Trump and conservatives for these developments. But by that time I expect that Trump will be long gone. Far from being a moment of triumph, it will be a moment that the global elites hope will bury sovereignty ideals for generations.

Bringing down the US economy will do nothing to stop the globalist plan for “new world order” centralization and a single cashless global currency system. The truth is, the collapse of the US economy is a necessary part of the economic reset that the globalists desire.

As I predicted in March of this year, a No Deal Brexit event is the most likely outcome as it most serves the interests of globalists in pinning a crash in the US and parts of Europe on populists and sovereignty activists. With the exit of Theresa May and the rise of Boris Johnson, a ‘no deal’ panic is all but assured.

The EU banking system is on the verge of a Lehman moment. Deutsche Bank is in shambles. Italy’s banks are ticking time bombs. Many EU nations have national debts well above their annual GDP. It is only a matter of time before a crisis in the European Union occurs. Any person that is educated on the weaknesses of economic interdependency would tell you that this crash is the fault of no-borders globalists. But, with populists rising to a moderate extent in the UK, Germany, France, etc., the globalists don’t have to take the blame for the failure of their supranational experiment.

Actually, they can use the crash to their advantage by blaming nationalism, then using the ensuing public fear as a springboard to launch a GLOBAL supranational union, first economically, and then in the form of a single world government. Why else would the ECB be taking on Christine Lagarde, the most vocal proponent of the global economic reset, as chairman at this time? This is about engineered chaos. This is about a Hegelian problem-reaction-solution dynamic.

As already mentioned, the Fed has just admitted in an indirect way that there is no economic recovery, and that there will be no QE until it is too late to even stall a crisis for a short amount of time. Trump has just admitted that the trade war is not going to end in his first term as president and that it will only get much worse from here on. All that is left is for a No-Deal Brexit to send shockwaves throughout Europe, and maybe another shooting war (Venezuela or Iran?).
Understanding the deeper objectives of the globalists can help us to prevent them from succeeding. At the very least, it helps us to avoid being duped into helping them. At any rate, the rest of this year is surely going to lead to what they call “interesting times”.

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