Tuesday, August 13, 2019

China Refuses American Warships Entry To Hong Kong Ports, Trump Confirms China 'Moving Troops To HK Border'

Beijing Refuses American Warships Entry To Hong Kong Ports 

Mere hours after President Trump tweeted that US intelligence had confirmed the buildup of Chinese troops on the border with Hong Kong, US defense officials warned that Beijing had refused two US Navy ships permission to make port stops in Hong Kong in the coming weeks, a sign that President Xi is none too pleased with how the US has handled itself during the anti-extradition bill protests that have swept Hong Kong over the past ten weeks.
Beijing has repeatedly warned the US to stop interfering with Taiwan and Hong Kong, or else face consequences, including the implicit threat of force.

Meanwhile, China confirmed that it denied the requests made by the US Navy.
Commander Christensen, Deputy Spokesperson, US Pacific Fleet: The Chinese Government denied requests for port visits to Hong Kong by the USS Green Bay and USS Lake Erie, which were scheduled to arrive in the next few weeks.

Update (1325ET): While we have seen numerous clips on social media of troop build-ups over the past few days, President Trump has just tweeted confirmation:
Additionally, seeming to address the rumors of US involvement, he tweeted this just before...
Update 6: The Chinese government once again condemned the protesters on Tuesday, accusing them of acts of terrorism, rhetoric they've employed against the protesters for days now. Meanwhile, President Trump said he hopes 'nobody gets killed' during the protests in Hong Kong.

Update 5: That didn't take long...
Less than an hour after reports of riot police storming the airport first hit the Internet, HK police have reportedly nearly finished clearing the airport. Few injuries have been reported - but many have been arrested. The Guardian reports that the police have arrested more than 20 protesters.
In one stunning scene, a protester wrested a baton from a riot police officer, who then drew their firearm. Amazingly, nobody was killed.
As Chinese police mass in Shenzen just over the boarder, some journalists are asking important questions.

Update 4: In what appears to be one of the most violent clashes in the history of the 10-week anti-extradition bill protests, Hong Kong police are reportedly storming Hong Kong International Airport clad in riot gear ready to clear all protesters from the premises. Clouds of tear gas and pepper spray are reportedly filling the air as police apply liberal doses to the protesters (and probably a few unfortunate travelers who managed to get caught in the cross fire).

Elsewhere, there have been reports of protesters blocking police vehicles - cars and buses -  prompting police to push back with more pepper spray. It's clear that they've been given the order to clear the airport.
Videos of clashes between the police and protesters are proliferating on Twitter.
WATCH: Riot police clash with protesters at Hong Kong airport pic.twitter.com/KfIsBp8Msg
— Bloomberg TicToc (@tictoc) August 13, 2019

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