Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Is It Time For The IDF To Inflict 'Massive Damage' On Hamas?

As of Sunday evening, four Israeli civilians have been killed after terror groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad launched more than 600 rockets and mortars from Gaza into Israel. By doing so, Hamas and Islamic Jihad commit a double war crime by firing at civilians while hiding behind civilians. 

A delegation of U.S. ambassadors currently visiting Israel published a joint statement in which they said, "Enough is enough!" The statement also read, "Can one imagine rockets falling on Washington, Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Bern or Lisbon today without an appropriately strong reaction?"

Efraim Inbar, president of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, mirrored their statement, telling JNS, "Enough is enough."

He said that while Israel "may not be able to 'solve' the intractable protracted conflict," it needs to "restore deterrence eroded over time versus Hamas, signaling to all bad guys in the Middle East that we mean business."

Inbar also said that if targeted killings are not "convincing enough, Israel should escalate its response and "even consider conquering parts of or all of Gaza to eliminate significant parts of the Hamas war machine," which he admitted would likely be rebuilt over time anyway.

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Efraim Karsh, director of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, told JNS that "the current conflagration in Gaza, like its numerous precursors over the past decade, is a direct corollary of the Oslo peace process that established an unreconstructed terror entity in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip."

Inbar agreed that Israel should inflict massive damage against Hamas.

"Unfortunately," Inbar said, "the IDF concept of using accurate intelligence for pinpoint airstrikes has proven deficient. A land incursion may be needed to convince Israel's enemies that we are ready to pay a price in casualties in order to secure the well-being of our citizens."

Otherwise, he warned, "in the absence of a resolution, we will continue to be blackmailed by Hamas."

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