Monday, May 20, 2019

Brexit Party Extends Double-Digit Polling Lead

Farage 'Milkshaked' As Brexit Party Extends Double-Digit Polling Lead

With just days to go before voting begins, latest batch of polls are out, and they've confirmed that, during the final stretch of the campaign, the Brexit Party has only strengthened its lead in the race to win the UK's 70 seats in the EU Parliament.
That's huge news for the newly formed party, which was founded just weeks ago by former UKIP leader and purported 'Brexit architect' Nigel Farage. Because the UK elects its 70 MEPs via regional votes, and seats are distributed based on each party's percentage of the vote in a given region, it looks increasingly likely that Brexit will win at least a plurality of the seats.
The Brexit Party is still well ahead nationally, leading the Lib Dems, Labour, the Greens and the Conservatives.
Support for the Party is particularly intense in Wales.
Meanwhile, both Labour and the Conservatives are taking a beating in the polls, a sign that Britons are apparently using the vote to vent their frustration with the UK's political establishment.
Farage's success with the Brexit Party has clearly alarmed remainers who have been secretly hoping the impasse in Parliament would lead to Brexit being cancelled.
Just yesterday, Farage became the latest conservative British politician to be doused with a milkshake.

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