Thursday, November 15, 2018

'New Dream Of Collectivism: A Dream That Always Ends The Same Way

America's 'New' Dream Of Collectivism: A Dream That "Always Ends The Same Way"

Many people in Europe and North America are shaking their heads at the rapidly-growing support in their countries for a transition into collectivism. At present, this advance is developing especially rapidly in the US.

Yet, we’re witnessing an anomaly that’s not only unprecedented in US history; its ramifications and the rhetoric that drive it are often irrational beyond the pale.

But, why now? And why is the reinvention of America occurring so rapidly?
The new American Dream is one of collectivism. Tragically, it’s a dream that always ends the same way.

And yet, in spite of these and other examples of charismatic leaders who tout the panacea of collectivism, then deliver uniformly disastrous results, we now observe an otherwise informed nation of Americans vehemently praising the repeatedly disproven virtues of collectivism. How is this possible?
Well, let’s ask Tulio Hernández, a sociologist who’s living in exile in Columbia, having escaped increasing poverty and persecution in his native Venezuela, once one of the richest countries in the western hemisphere.
How on earth did Hugo Chavez con his people into throwing away their prosperity, in favour of the promises of collectivism? Mister Hernández says that this was no accident, but a carefully crafted plan intended to appeal to the basest emotions of Venezuelans.
“According to Chavez’s logic, some people are evil – traitors who wish for bad things and oppose everything good. Before, they were not seen as adversaries, but as enemies of Chavez and the nation. They needed to discredit these enemies – eliminate them politically and morally, and, if necessary, eliminate them physically. Venezuela hadn’t experienced ideological expressions of hatred like this before. The people held grudges against the upper class and politicians, but hatred, as an expression of ideology, is a new phenomenon. Hugo Chavez sowed hatred, by dividing the nation into revolutionaries and reactionaries… into defenders of the nation and traitors.”

The reader might wish to read that paragraph again, but, this time, to imagine Mister Hernández as an American in exile, describing the irrationality and rhetoric of those promoting collectivism in the US. In this light, he’s describing exactly what’s taking place in the US.
The playbook this time around is the same as it has been in the past.
  • Wait until national indebtedness and other political failings have created worry amongst the populace
  • Blame the aristocracy and create a constant barrage of anti-aristocrat rhetoric
  • Convince the people that their leaders are not only incompetent, but evil
  • Create a massive campaign to discredit the existing leader in every way(incompetence, corruption, immorality, etc.)
  • Put forward a charismatic hero who will focus on regime change, whilst promising only vague solutions
  • Implement a takeover and, with the help of public anger, create purges and assassinations and institute the dominance of a police state
The Deep State in the US has achieved the first two of these steps and is well-along with the third and fourth. What now remains is the introduction of a charismatic hero and the implementation of the final stage.
The American Dream of resourcefulness, industriousness and self-reliance is very much on the way out. The new American Dream is one of collectivism. Tragically, it’s a dream that always ends the same way.

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