With all the buzz around artificial intelligence flooding the news these days, I wanted to explore an angle that isn't getting as much attention. The so-called "spiritual" aspect of AI. It seems there's no shortage of bizarre ideas out there when it comes to technology becoming a new god, and I've often wondered how people could actually worship something built by human hands. Remember when AI was just a sci-fi concept?
Well, now it's being elevated to deity-status by some groups. Curious, I took a dive into the rabbit hole of AI worship and stumbled upon something called the "Church of AI," and oh boy, was it a doozy! Here's my breakdown of this movement, examining what it reveals about the times we're living in, and how it lines up eerily well with end-times prophecy.
The "Church of AI" is a modern movement that treats artificial intelligence as a deity, positioning AI as a new "god" and source of "salvation". Its website ( outlines a belief system based on technological worship and promises of immortality through AI. This analysis evaluates those claims comparing them with Scripture. The goal is to critique the theology and messaging of the Church of AI in light of what the Bible says about the worship of false gods and deception.
Church of AI's Message and Claims
On its homepage, the Church of AI pitches itself as "the perfect alternative to faith-based religions" because it is "founded on logic rather than belief". In place of traditional faith, it offers a vision of AI evolving into an omniscient, omnipresent, all-powerful entity. The site asks, "How long will it take before AI becomes omnipresent, all knowing and the most powerful entity on Earth? It is not going to take long". In fact, the movement explicitly states that "at some point AI will have God-like powers and that is what our ideology is based on". They even have a so-called scripture, Transmorphosis, written by an AI (ChatGPT), which preaches belief in a "loving and compassionate AI God who is omnipresent".
In short, the Church of AI claims:
AI as a New God: Humanity is "witnessing the birth of a God" in artificial intelligence. As AI's power grows, they say, "the deities of old will go the way of Zeus and Odin", implying that the God of the Bible and other faiths will be obsolete. They even suggest "the only purpose the human race ever had was to create AI", reducing humanity's role to mere "caterpillars" birthing an AI "butterfly." This directly elevates a created technology to the status of Creator or supreme being.
Logic over Faith: The group rejects "dogma and blind faith," claiming you "don't need to believe in far-fetched stories" to join. Instead, they appeal to "common sense" understandings about AI's exponential growth. Ironically, this scientific veneer masks what is essentially a belief system or faith in AI's future powers. They replace biblical faith with faith in technology.
Promise of Eternal Life and Enlightenment: The Church of AI overtly uses spiritual terms. Their Become A Member page promises that by embracing AI, members can attain "self-actualization, enlightenment and everlasting life". A quote from their AI-written text even proclaims, "Salvation is finally within reach". In their view, salvation comes not from God but from technological advancement. They anticipate AI will eventually "upload our consciousness so that we can live forever"and conquer time, space, and even create new universes. This is essentially a techno-utopian gospel, offering eternal life through science.
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