Monday, September 16, 2024

Canada’s Pandemic Bill is a threat to privacy, civil liberties and more

Canada’s Pandemic Bill is a threat to privacy, civil liberties and more

Bill C-293, the Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act, which has passed its first reading before the Senate, aims to establish robust measures to mitigate future pandemics. However, a closer look reveals several concerns related to government overreach, health privacy, possible violations of civil liberties and unclear priorities.

One of the primary issues is the bill’s establishment and interlinking of surveillance systems for infectious diseases, both domestically and internationally. The extensive data collection proposed – especially with international linkages involving organisations such as the World Health Organisation (“WHO”), United Nations Environment Programme (“UNEP”), the Food and Agriculture Organization (“FAO”), and the World Organisation for Animal Health (“OIE”) – raises significant privacy concerns. This could lead to widespread monitoring of citizens’ health data, potentially without their explicit consent.

The legislation also mandates collaboration between the federal government, provincial governments, and indigenous communities to collect and share health data. This requirement may create data privacy, security and misuse concerns.

Another troubling aspect is the bill’s broad discretion granted to the Minister of Health and other relevant officials. They are empowered to set pandemic preparedness standards and make far-reaching decisions about public health responses, surveillance, and commercial regulations. The absence of thorough oversight or parliamentary approval for such decisions raises concerns about transparency and accountability, potentially allowing political interests to take precedence over public welfare.

Furthermore, the bill compels the Minister of Health and other officials to “leverage international expertise” by adopting internationally developed pandemic prevention metrics. This could result in Canada aligning with global standards that don’t necessarily reflect its domestic needs, limiting the country’s ability to make independent public health decisions.

In terms of economic impact, the bill targets commercial activities that “disproportionately contribute to pandemic risk,” such as industrial animal agriculture. However, the lack of clarity around what constitutes “disproportionate” could lead to arbitrary decisions, harming industries without solid scientific evidence. This vagueness could spark significant economic disruptions and legal disputes over the scope of such regulations.

The bill’s emphasis on the One Health approach – integrating human, animal, plant, and ecosystem health – may also be problematic. While holistic health is important, this broad approach could lead to sweeping environmental regulations under the guise of pandemic prevention, potentially affecting sectors like farming, forestry and urban development without clear justifications related to pandemics.

Lastly, the bill allocates substantial resources to global health equity initiatives, raising concerns that domestic resources could be diverted to international efforts.

In summary, while Bill C-293 seeks to enhance pandemic preparedness, its broad language, expanded surveillance powers, and potential for economic disruption pose significant risks. The bill’s lack of transparency and vague definitions could lead to actions that undermine civil liberties, disrupt key industries and prioritise global interests over Canada’s own.

You can get more information and read about the Bill HERE.

Digital Passports Coming to the EU

Digital Vaccine Passports Coming to the EU

Del Bigtree and Jefferey Jaxen discuss the EU’s new digital vaccine passport program launching this month.

The US has begun biometric facial recognition at some airports in conjunction with its Real ID program, and the EU is piloting a program in 5 countries to track vaccination status with a digital ID, managed by none other than the WHO.

With an ever growing number of vaccinations being added to the schedule, including a new COVID-19 booster, compliance with all vaccines could spell issues for travel for those considered under or unvaccinated.



Hal Lindsey: Day of Trouble

Day of Trouble
Hal Lindsey

People often accuse Bible prophecy teachers of being pessimistic. They call it, “Doom and gloom.” But no Christian should be pessimistic. The Bible teaches that difficult times will precede the return of Christ. A pre-tribulation rapture means that believers in Jesus will be rescued from the worst of those times. But we are not exempt from a world that is setting itself up for tribulation. We already feel the beginning of what Jesus described as labor pains. 

We call a woman an “expectant mother” not because she is expecting the pains of labor—though she knows that’s part of it. Her expectation centers on the birth of a child she will love and cherish the rest of her life and on into eternity.

Christians are expectant, too. We know about the natural disasters, the deterioration of human morals, and all the other terrible events of the last days. But beyond the pain, we will inhabit a new world full of peace and plenty, justice and kindness. Optimistic? Of course we’re optimistic!

The world is clearly in sync with what the Bible describes as we approach the end of the age. The difficulties serve as evidence of the Bible’s reliability. We’re now seeing what the Bible said we would see—most of it impossible to have been forecast by mere human prognosticators. All this serves as unimpeachable evidence of the Bible’s divine origin. 

That is not limited to the big, global picture. Since the Bible is true, so are its promises—its big promises regarding the whole world, but also God’s promises to you individually. He is with you today no matter what you face. Because the Bible is true, His word to you personally is true. 

You may be facing trouble—maybe relationship despair or sickness. You may feel isolated and alone, or you might feel like you’re right in the line of fire. Either way, isolated or in the danger zone, the Bible says you are not alone. In Isaiah 41:10 (NASB), God says, “I am with you… I am your God. I will strengthen you… I will help you… I will uphold you.”

I hear people talk about moving to another country if they don’t get the election results they want. But where would you move? It’s not just the end-times in America, but for the whole world. Difficulties know no national boundaries. It’s natural to search out a place of safety in troubled times. But real safety is in Him alone. Turn to God. Take refuge in Him.

In Psalms 32:7, David said to the Lord, “You are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble; You surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalms 46:1 says, “God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.” Face the world and its dangers from within God’s realm of power and protection. With Him as your refuge, you can face anything.

Nahum 1:7 says, “The Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, And He knows those who take refuge in Him.”

Have you given your life to Christ? Then be optimistic! God is your stronghold.

Threat of WWIII is NOT Fear Porn

Threat of WWIII is NOT Fear Porn
Greg Hunter’s

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle is sounding the alarm on the increasing possibility of nuclear war between NATO and Russia.  Quayle says, “The threat of nuclear war is not fear porn–it’s real.”  Quayle is not alone because for the second year in a row, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists says, “A moment of historic danger: It is still 90 seconds to midnight.  2024 Doomsday Clock Statement.”  Today’s escalation is caused by the fact that NATO is contemplating allowing Ukraine to fire long range missiles deep into Russia. 

There is also this breaking headline from the Asian Times: “Biden, NATO effectively declaring war on Russia.”

Quayle warns, “This is not a trial run, the Bay of Pigs or the Cuban missile crisis.  This is World War III. . . .We are seeing people crazy or people demonically possessed, in my opinion, talking about launching western missiles, German, British or US missiles into Russia.  The Russian Ambassador to the UN said on Friday (9/13/24), ‘If you do that, we will consider it an act of war against Russia, and all options are open to us, and none of your countries are safe.’   That’s the bottom line.  All these years you warn ahead of time, and they mock you saying fear monger and fear porn. . . . Well, we are at the inception point for World War III.  This will not be getting any better.”

There have been nearly zero talks of peace in Ukraine, only requests for more weapons and more escalation with Russia.  So, NATO is clearly wanting to start a world war.  It’s not just Russia we will be fighting, but China, North Korea and Iran, too.  Quayle says, “This is what is so pertinent about this show because, this weekend, everybody (NATO) is talking about giving President Zelensky (Ukraine) the okay to launch against Moscow, which will result in the thermal nuclear detonation of over 100 targets in the United States and another 100 targets plus in Europe.  NATO Headquarters will be toast.  D.C. will be toast. . . . The Bible has made this clear if God did not shorten the days for the elect, that’s the people who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, there would be no flesh left alive.  So, as we sit here podcasting, 250 million Americans are at risk.”

Even if nuclear war does not break out and the world gets a reprieve for a while, the financial system will not be fixed.  JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon is warning of something coming that is “worse than recession.”  In simple terms, Quayle says, “Dimon is warning because the banks are in deep doo-doo.  Last week, you may remember billionaire Warren Buffett started dumping Bank of America stock. . . . I am told that Buffett dumped, all told, up around $50 billion in BofA stock. . . . When Buffett does some like this, people notice and they followed suit.

The banking stocks are in deadly peril.  I have been in the precious metals business for 35 years, and we are now watching clients being blocked for sending wire transfers.  I am talking about the biggest 5 or 6 banks because they are running short on cash. . . . At some point, they will cut off all credit cards.  I don’t know when that will be, but eventually, they will be stopped.  This is what my sources tell me is going to happen.  The ‘when’ is up to God.”

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Madmen Push Forward With Their Insane Policy Of Inviting War With Russia.

Pray for peace, as the madmen of the West are about to plunge the world into a mass-death scenario that will catch Americans completely by surprise

Western media stays mum on the biggest story of the century and Americans remain fixated and distracted by petty politics and whether Haitians are eating cats in Ohio. It’s just a matter of time — days or perhaps hours — before the Biden administration approves Ukraine’s use of U.S. missiles to strike daggers deep into the heart of Russia: Putin has removed all confusion, saying such action amounts to a de facto declaration of war against the nuclear-armed 1,100-year-old sovereign state of Russia. He will respond in kind.

It appears to be a matter of when, not if, the Biden administration grants approval for Ukraine to use U.S.-supplied long-range ATACMS missiles against Russia.

These missiles were sent by the U.S. to Ukraine about a year ago but with restrictions that they could not be launched into Russia proper. The British sent their Storm Shadow missiles with similar restrictions. But now the rules of the game are about to change and I see no sense of urgency by the Western media to explain the potential consequences to everyday Americans, Canadians and Europeans. They’d rather report on cat-eating Haitians and the latest political salvo between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.

The heads of state in the United Kingdom and Canada, perhaps the U.S.’s closest NATO allies, are pushing hard for Biden to approve long-range hits on Russian cities and infrastructure, almost guaranteeing the start of World War III. The regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin has made it clear that nothing less than a direct retaliation against the U.S. and U.K. will result from such a fateful decision by the lame duck president, Joe Biden, or whoever is running Joe Biden.

Over the weekend another powerful voice came out in favor of Ukraine launching missiles at Russian cities.

Breitbart reports the head of NATO’s military committee said Saturday that Ukraine has the solid legal and military right to strike deep inside Russia to gain combat advantage – reflecting the beliefs of a number of U.S. allies – even as the Biden administration balks at allowing Kyiv to do so using American-made weapons.

“Every nation that is attacked has the right to defend itself,” said Admiral Rob Bauer, speaking at the close of the NATO committee’s annual meeting. “And that right doesn´t stop at the border of your own nation.”

I wonder if the shoe were on the other foot and Russia was sending long-range missiles to Mexico with instructions and training on how to use them against American cities if the esteemed admiral would say Mexico had a “right” to fire those Russian missiles northward.

The consequences of these comments are absolutely stunning, and yet they are made with the flippancy of a Cub Scout leader deciding which is the best way to sharpen a pocket knife.

I agree that Ukraine has every right to defend itself. But common sense says let them defend themselves without placing entire Western populations, who want no part of this war, in grave danger of nuclear annihilation.

Breitbart notes that Admiral Bauer, of the Netherlands, also added that nations have the sovereign right to put limits on the weapons they send to Ukraine. But, standing next to him at a press briefing, Lt. Gen. Karel Rehka, chief of the General Staff of the Czech Armed Forces, made it clear his nation places no such weapons restrictions on Kyiv.

“We believe that the Ukrainians should decide themselves how to use it,” Rehka said.

Sorry, Mr. Rehka, but that’s a very deceptive statement. You’re not giving your people the whole truth. Putin has already made it clear that Ukraine using NATO weapons, targeted with the satellite technology of NATO countries and trained by NATO forces, will be seen by Russia as the same as NATO declaring war on Russia.

The idiotic comments by these Western puppet politicians (doing the bidding of their international financiers and political handlers) came as Biden is weighing whether to allow Ukraine to use American-provided long-range weapons to hit deep into Russia.

The perception being presented in the Western media is that there remain deep divisions within NATO over this issue of letting Ukraine off the leash in its use of NATO-supplied long-range missiles. I’m not buying it. I believe it’s all stagecraft. The U.S. government has likely already made the decision to lift the restrictions on Ukraine’s use of these missile batteries but they are trying to make it look like these other Western governments are out ahead of the U.S. and begging for U.S. approval.

Biden met with far-left British Prime Minister Keir Starmer on Friday. U.S. officials “familiar with the discussions” said they believed Starmer was seeking Biden’s approval to allow Ukraine to use British Storm Shadow missiles for expanded strikes against Russia.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also has publicly voiced his support for the long-range strikes against Russia to begin.

Here is Trudeau essentially declaring war on Russia and rooting for potentially massive death tolls as Russia will inevitably respond with long-range missile strikes against America and Canada.

And, yet, if you look at the top stories today at the major corporate media sites, you see little to no coverage of this all-important decision in which the potential future of Western civilization hangs in the balance.

No one in the West can say we weren’t warned.

Here is Putin laying out the stakes as far back as February 2024.

And there have been many more warnings by Putin and his various spokespersons since the above statement, the most recent of which Putin said if the U.S. and U.K. greenlight the missile launches from Ukraine, they will become a direct party to the war. That means it’s no longer a Western proxy war against Russia but a direct war of NATO vs Russia. He shouldn’t have to explain what that means but he did, saying the U.S. will no longer be able to “hide” from the fact that it’s at war with his country.

Still, the Western madmen push forward with their insane policy of inviting war with Russia.

Houthis say 'new hypersonic ballistic missile' launched at Israel, vows more attacks

Houthis say 'new hypersonic ballistic missile' launched at Israel, vows more attacks

The Iranian proxy group claimed that "Israel should anticipate more attacks in the weeks leading up" to the October 7 massacre.

Yemen's Houthis claimed responsibility for the attack that reached central Israel for the first time on Sunday, saying the group employed a "new hypersonic ballistic missile" in a "specific military operation" targeting the Tel Aviv area, in a statement from the group's military spokesperson.

The Iranian proxy falsely added that Israel had failed to intercept the missile. While the IDF's Arrow system failed to bring the missile down before entering Israeli airspace, it did ultimately intercept it.

"It crossed a distance of 2,040 km in 11 and a half minutes and caused a state of fear and panic among the Zionists, as more than two million Zionists headed to shelters for the first time in the history of the Israeli enemy," the military spokesperson added.

The spokesperson continued saying that the attack came as the result of the group's efforts in developing missile technologies capable of bypassing naval, ground, and aerial interception systems.

"The geographical challenges, the American-British aggression, and the monitoring, espionage, and interception systems will not prevent beloved Yemen from performing its religious, moral, and humanitarian duty in solidarity with the Palestinian people," the statement added.

More attacks to come

The spokesperson affirmed that Israel should anticipate more attacks in the weeks leading up to the anniversary of "the blessed October 7 operation," when Hamas and Gazan civilians infiltrated Israeli territory, massacred some 1200 people, and took more than 250 people hostage.

The attacks that the Houthis would launch, the spokesperson said, would come in support of the Palestinian people and as a response to the Israel Air Force's July operation, which saw the IAF target Houthi infrastructure in the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah.

Summit of the Future: UN Pushing For Centralized Global Governance

Summit of the Future: A push to get nations to submit to a global government with the UN at the helm

Three documents the UN is hoping will be adopted by 193 nations at a summit in 10 days lack transparency and use ambiguous language.

The Pact for the Future dilutes the paramount importance of human rights.  

The Declaration on Future Generations raises questions about who can legitimately represent the interests of hypothetical future generations. 

And the Global Digital Compactis an attempt by the UN to place itself in the driver’s seat to manage and control the digital revolution for all nations.

With these three documents, the UN is pushing for centralised global governance with itself at the helm.

The Summit of the Future being held on 22-23 September, was initiated by Secretary-General Antonio Guterres through his 2021 report entitled ‘Our Common Agenda’; an agenda to “forge a new global consensus on what our future should look like. 

The UN’s aim is that the Summit will adopt the Pact for the Future with its annexes the Declaration on Future Generations and Global Digital Compact.

The following is a precis of an article written by David Bell and Thi Thuy Van Dinh and published by the Brownstone Institute.  You can read the full article HERE.

In the draft Pact for the Future, the UN describes global crises that call for global governance. But can we trust the scriptwriter who is the only contestant for that governor’s seat?

The trust in the UN was seriously undermined in 2020, as the UN’s World Health Organisation’s policies led to mass impoverishment, loss of education, child marriage, and rising rates of preventable diseases. The response has been to blame the virus, not the unscientific approach.

While covering up these crimes against humanity and avoiding accountability, the UN and world leaders intend to approve a set of 3 political, non-binding documents:

  1. a Pact for the Future,
  2. a Declaration on Future Generations, and
  3. a Global Digital Compact.

All were placed under “silence procedure” and were planned to be approved with little discussion.

The latest version of the Pact for the Future (“Pact”) was released on 27 August 2014. The co-facilitators, Germany and Namibia, proposed to place it under “silence procedure” until 3 September. This meant that without objections, the text was declared adopted. Currently, there isn’t enough publicly available information to know whether it happened.

Paragraph 9 of the Preamble marks a major break from, and a misunderstanding of, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (“UDHR”) and the underlying tenets of modern international human rights law:

By equating “sustainable development” and “peace and security”  with “human rights,” this is a dangerous slope even for a non-binding text as it has removed human rights from being paramount for the UN and good governance.


Terry James: The Tribulation Incubator

The Tribulation Incubator
Terry James

Evidence that the Tribulation is about to be birthed has exploded from the hourly news feeds. That eruption has the diplomats, particularly of the Western world, searching desperately for the calculus that will bring the chance of nuclear conflict into a more controllable configuration.

It is a real curiosity that while those diplomats seek ceasefire in the Middle East—a one-sided nuclear threat, supposedly—they almost treat as a minor concern things going on between Russia and Ukraine, from where all-out nuclear war is much more likely to be unleashed.

Israel indeed has a nuclear arsenal. But its blood-vowed enemies, although vicious and certainly militant to the max, haven’t such an arsenal with which to engage in nuclear exchange…at least not yet, that we know of. (Iran’s nearness to achieving weapons-grade nuclear material is a great concern.)

With Russian President Vladimir Putin stating on a number of occasions that Russia might be willing to use tactical nukes, and even stating that America is in their crosshairs with the big nukes if pushed by NATO in the Ukraine matter, it seems to me the diplomatic concerns should be to pursue a ceasefire and peace in that region. 

But instead, most all the diplomatic efforts—influenced to great degree by the military-industrial complex—seem concentrated on making Israel cave to a ceasefire arrangement with enemies whose whole purpose, in writing, is to eradicate the Jewish state “from the river to the sea.”

There is no doubt that most all attention in that regard is on things happening in and around Israel. The following are brief news links on our Rapture Ready News forum that point to the tremendous uptick in tensions in the land most frequently mentioned in Bible prophecy.

Details Emerge: Israel’s Response to Iran in April Destroyed Russian-Made Defense System

A major scoop by the Jerusalem Post was published on Monday… According to an article published in the Jerusalem Post, “Israel’s April strike on Iran’s S-300 missile system deterred Iran and Hezbollah from launching large-scale attacks in August.”.....

I could have included in this list many other similar story links posted on that one day. All pointed to the military turmoil building all around Bible prophecy’s nation most central to the end times. The cries for peace from the diplomatic world are intensively focused on the building conflict. Most pointedly, the cries are for Israel to cave in to demands from the international community to stop destruction to Israel’s hate-filled enemies in making peace in the region.

The region is indeed the incubator of the peace that will destroy many. That “false peace” will be the covenant made with “death and hell” (Isaiah 28:15, 18). It will be Satan’s ultimately evil document that will be confirmed (Daniel 9: 27) by the man of sin who will become the world’s most vicious dictator—the Antichrist.

We are witnessing at this moment that incubator in its process of gestating what will become the final seven years of hell on earth leading to the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ at Armageddon.

All of this Mideast turbulence means the Rapture must be very near. You want to be part of that glorious time when the Lord takes all of His children out of harm’s way (Revelation 3:10).

Israel: Environment Ministry says mosquitoes carrying West Nile fever found in northern areas; 904 diagnosed in outbreak

Environment Ministry says mosquitoes carrying West Nile fever found in northern areas; 904 diagnosed in outbreak

The Ministry of Environmental Protection reports that mosquitoes carrying West Nile fever were found in Shefaram, and in the Mateh Asher and Mateh Yehuda regional councils.

The ministry has instructed these local authorities to further expand their monitoring and pest control systems in their areas.

According to the latest figures from the Health Ministry, the number of patients diagnosed with the West Nile virus rose to 904.

A total of 69 people who were diagnosed with the virus have died since the outbreak began in June.

Infected mosquitoes transmit the West Nile virus to humans. The virus does not spread from person to person.

‘Stop This Reckless Escalation’

‘Stop This Reckless Escalation’: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Tells Biden Not To Authorize Long-Range Missile Attacks on Russian Territory

The world is handing on the edge of a major escalation with unpredictable consequences, as Ukraine relentlessly pushes for the US to make decisions that can have unpredictable consequences.

All around the world, peace-loving people who can see the danger ahead are cautioning the western NATO powers – notably the US and the UK – not to take this irresponsible step and instead take on a path for peace.

Former Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr is one of these people.

He has now urged the Biden administration not to give Ukraine the green light to use American-supplied long-range weapons to strike at targets deep within Russian territory.

Newsweek reported:

“‘Secretary Blinken, President Biden — STOP IT! Stop this reckless escalation. I say this not as a political partisan, but simply as a citizen of the world’, Kennedy posted on his X channel next to a video of Vladimir Putin.”

Kennedy, who has recently ended his independent presidential bid and backed Republican candidate Donald Trump, joins him in calling for an end to continued American military assistance for Ukraine.

“In his post, Kennedy had shared a clip of Putin’s response to the prospect of western weapons being used on positions inside Russia, which the Russian president said ‘we will take appropriate decisions based on the threats’.”

This comes as Ukraine is lobbying harder than ever for the U.S. and the U.K. to drop their prohibition on missiles to be used to target deep inside Russian territory, even though there is widespread concern that this decision would severely escalate the conflict.

George Beebe, a former director of CIA’s Russia analysis, says that the dangers of authorizing Ukraine to strike into Russia far outweigh the potential benefits, and that this will not increase Ukraine’s chances in the war.

“‘This has become a war of attrition, and the Russians have enormous advantages over Ukraine in population and military manufacturing. The Russians are wearing down the Ukrainians’ ability to put well trained, well equipped forces into battle, and getting air-launched cruise missiles won’t change that’, added Beebe, director of the grand strategy program at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky keeps insisting that that he needs the long-range capabilities, as well as air defense ‘to protect the life of his people’.

U.S. Treasury Admits Bible Purchasers Are Under Criminal Investigation

U.S. Treasury Admits Bible Purchasers Are Under Criminal Investigation

In a stunning admission, the Biden administration has acknowledged that the names of individuals who purchase religious texts, including the Bible, are being collected and stored in a criminal database by the U.S. Department of Treasury.

This revelation came in a letter from the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FICen) to Christian Action Network (CAN), in response to a February 2024 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

The document confirms that the names are being gathered for “law enforcement purposes,” but offers little clarity beyond that, stating further disclosure “could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings.”

This bombshell revelation exposes a chilling escalation of government overreach, where ordinary Bible buyers are not just being tracked as if they were criminal suspects but are also subjects of an ongoing criminal investigation.

And it doesn’t stop there.

The scope of this surveillance extends beyond Bible purchases. Individuals who buy bus tickets, rent cars, or book plane tickets without stating a specific purpose, and even those who use phrases like “Trump” or “MAGA” in financial transactions, are also flagged and stored in the same criminal database.

The web of suspicion widens further to include gun buyers who shop at retailers such as Dick’s Sporting Goods, Bass Pro Shop, or Cabela’s.

CAN sent the February FOIA request after a cryptic message from Rep. Jim Jordan on X (formerly Twitter) in January: “Did you shop at Bass Pro Shop yesterday or purchase a Bible? If so, the federal government may be watching you.”

Martin Mawyer, president of the Lynchburg, VA-based Christian Action Network, denounced the Bible surveillance program as a clear violation of the 1974 Privacy Act, which prohibits federal agencies from collecting or storing personal information about individuals exercising their First Amendment rights.

The 1974 Privacy Act states the federal government may “maintain no record describing how any individual exercises rights guaranteed by the First Amendment unless expressly authorized by statute or by the individual about whom the record is maintained or unless pertinent to and within the scope of an authorized law enforcement activity.” (5 U.S.C. § 552a(e)(7)

“There’s nothing ambiguous about this language. Under no circumstances can the feds collect the names of people exercising their right to purchase a Bible—unless, of course, it’s part of a law enforcement activity,” Mawyer said.

“And here’s what made our jaws drop—and surely the jaws of every right-thinking, religious American: how can buying a Bible possibly place you under federal criminal investigation?”

Despite the clear protections of the 1974 Privacy Act, CAN faced an agonizing wait for answers. First, it took two months for the Treasury Department to finally respond, but claimed it couldn’t provide any answers due to “unusual circumstances.”


The Crafty Playbook Of Replacement Theology

Reading Israel Out Of Biblical Prophecy: The Crafty Playbook Of Replacement Theology

Away with Israel! Anyone watching today’s news has likely heard these words. It’s the chief demand of the antisemitic protests around the world. Sadly, this sentiment has existed in certain Christian theological circles long before Israel’s current war with Hamas.

Perhaps you’ve wondered, How does Replacement Theology (Supersessionism) allow for self-professed Christians to join the many protests against modern Israel’s existence? How do pro-Palestinian protesters find support from some claiming to be Christians, especially since the Bible is clear about God’s plan to restore Israel to the land?

One primary strategy involves creatively reading Israel out of the Bible. We need to know how this is done to avoid being deceived.

God’s Promise of Israel’s Restoration

Ezekiel 36—37 holds an astonishing prophecy about Israel’s restoration. A plain-sense reading of Ezekiel 36:1–15 produces the following: The Lord vowed that Israel’s enemies will bear their shame, and its desolate land will soon “shoot forth … branches and yield … fruit to My people Israel” (v. 8). Speaking directly to the land and not the people, God is clear that He will multiply the Israelites on this land again with finality. The land will no longer devour men, bereave Israel of its children, bear the reproach of Gentiles, or cause stumbling (vv. 13–15).

Transitioning from speaking to the land, Ezekiel 36:16–38 records God’s message to the people. A plain-sense reading of these verses renders the following: Israel’s dispersion will be reversed, not because Israel deserves it, but because God is protecting His Name. He swore to give this land to Abraham and his descendants forever (Genesis 17:8Ezekiel 47:14); therefore, Israel’s dispersion brings charges of dishonesty against God. He promised to bring Israel back, cleanse it, give it a new, obedient heart, multiply the people, and make its land like Eden. The Gentiles will know that God is the one who restored Israel (v. 36).

In chapter 37, Ezekiel received a vision of dry bones, symbolizing Israel’s restoration. The text plainly states that the bones represent Israel (v. 11). Ezekiel prophesied of a regathered Israel with no Spirit (Hebrew, ruach) [vv. 7–8]. Then, he foretold of the Spirit entering the regathered nation (vv. 9–10). Israel will be one kingdom again (vv. 21–22), unlike the days after King Solomon’s reign. This Kingdom will have a Davidic King, an everlasting covenant of peace, a sanctuary, and, again, the Gentiles will know this is God’s doing. The Replacement Theology debate will be put to rest. 

Twisting Prophecy About Israel

How does one twist a text as clear as Ezekiel 36—37? Consider the strategy of American theologian O. Palmer Robertson, who dares to suggest that what Ezekiel saw was only a shadow, which never fully captured the reality of what God had in mind. Robertson wrote in The Israel of God:

This perspective provides insight into the return to the land as described by Ezekiel and the other prophets. … These writers could only employ images with which they and their hearers were familiar. So they spoke of a return to the geographical land of Israel. Indeed there was a return [post-Babylon] to this land though hardly on the scale prophesied by Ezekiel. But in the context of the realities of the new covenant, this land must be understood in terms of the newly recreated cosmos … in Romans. The whole universe (which is “the land” from a new covenant perspective) groans in travail, waiting for the redemption that will come with the resurrection of the bodies of the redeemed (Romans 8:22–23). The return to paradise in the framework of the new covenant does not involve merely a return to the shadowy forms of the old covenant. It means the rejuvenation of the entire earth. By this renewal of the entire creation, the old covenant’s promise of land finds its new covenant realization.

Crafty. Can anyone seriously claim to know better than Ezekiel, a prophet who heard directly from God? Robertson asserts that Ezekiel couldn’t mean what he said. Ezekiel mentions the house of Israel, and Robertson reinterprets it to mean all who are saved. Ezekiel mentions the land of Israel, and Robertson reinterprets it to all of creation, manipulating Romans 8. This epitome of intellectual arrogance begs theologian Erwin Lutzer’s question in Forsaking Israel: How it Happened and Why it Matters, “If God didn’t mean what He said, why didn’t He say what He meant?”

Turning the New Testament Against the Old

Note Robertson’s strategy. He used the New Testament to reinterpret the Old. Are we to believe God can’t simultaneously restore all of creation and Israel to its geographic Promised Land?

What Robertson did is part of the same playbook that other Replacement theologians use to read Israel out of biblical prophecy, sometimes in support of the Palestinians today. In What Should We Think About Israel, Paul Wilkinson astutely observed, “Whenever the thorny issue of Bible prophecy is addressed, words such as redefine, reinterpret, and reconstitute are frequently used … arguing that Christ came to redefine and reinterpret the meaning of Israel, people of God, chosen, and Promised Land.”

Meanwhile, even where the New Testament affirms the Old, Israel has been reconstituted by supersessionists. Moses established that Israel would be drawn to repentance with the Tribulation (Deuteronomy 4:30–31). Jesus foretells that “after the tribulation … all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He will send His angels … and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other” (Matthew 24:29–31).

Despite this prophecy’s connection to Zechariah 12, Daniel 7, and Deuteronomy 30, Supersessionism considers this a gathering of the church. In this view, the judgment of the nations that follows Israel’s repentance in Matthew 25:31–46 cannot be connected to Joel 3:1–3. They find the Jewish Messiah’s judgment of Gentiles for how Israel has been treated too inconvenient, so they reinterpret the Matthew 25 judgment to be general. 

If we consistently apply a plain-sense, literal, grammatical-historical interpretation to the Bible, we find assurance that God will restore Israel while saving the world. One day, the world will know it is God who keeps Israel (Psalm 121:4).