Sunday, October 30, 2022

Unified Censorship

The Benefits of a Chaotic World

It seems there is a clear global effort to make information uniform, and in particular, to make science uniform—One Science, Under Singular Rule, For the Good of All…I’m not making this up (well, I did just make up that phrase, but I’m not making up the central gist of it). Here is a quote from an article on the UN claiming to “own the science” onRobert Malone’s substack:

The thing is – when you listen to the full panel discussion linked above, the UN speaker -Ms. Fleming is not just saying that the UN is censoring speech on climate change. She also suggests that the UN with the WEF is censoring many scientific discussions, such as the topic of COVID-19, and the UN is in the process of setting up the tools to censor ALL misinformation that the UN deems unhelpful for a “stable, peaceful, harmonious and UNITED world.

Let me repeat: “stable, peaceful, harmonious and UNITED world.”

You know, common sense (there’s those two pesky words again) tells me that there has never been a time when all humans all agreed on one thing. That has always been considered healthy—debate, discussion, picking apart opposing ideas, new ways of seeing old things, etc. etc.

So how in tarnation does anyone think censoring information that the “UN deems unhelpful” so there is only one “harmonious” truth, for a singularly “united world,” is a good thing? Are people really buying this?

This is what Hitler wanted, Lenin wanted, Stalin wanted, Mao wanted, Saddam Hussein wanted, Osama bin Laden wanted, to name just a few recent ones (and maybe I am not being accurate here because what these men really wanted could have easily been manipulated by the media…but you get my point I am sure).



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