Monday, October 24, 2022

Dirty Bomb Threats Reminiscent Of U.S. Red Line Used In Syria

Threats of a Dirty Bomb in Ukraine Reminiscent of the U.S. Red Line in Syria

There is an uptick in the panicked speculation about Ukraine using a dirty bomb in order to create a pretext that would justify NATO’s intervention in Ukraine. 

Reminds me a lot of the previous efforts by the Brits and the Yanks to manufacture a crisis in Syria in August 2013 that would compel the United States and the Brits to send their troops to aid Islamic rebels seeking to overthrow Syrian leader Assad. Barack Obama had vowed in August of 2012 that any use of chemical weapons by Assad’s government would represent crossing a red line that would be followed by retaliation by the West. Why did Obama balk at responding to this alleged crime against humanity by Syria? Sy Hersh provided the answer:

The answer lies in a clash between those in the administration who were committed to enforcing the red line, and military leaders who thought that going to war was both unjustified and potentially disastrous.

We may be on the cusp of a new fabricated provocation–this one involving a dirty nuke. The Russian General Staff are taking this threat seriously and are on the phone to Turkey, France and China to warn about this plot to detonate a dirty bomb and blame Moscow. 

The Russians clearly learned the lessons from Syria and the use of sarin. It remains to be seen if the current U.S. military leadership has the backbone their predecessors displayed in August 2013.

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