Friday, October 28, 2022

Encouragement For Weary Hearts

Jonathan Brentner

As we wait for Jesus’ appearing, our hearts often grow weary amid the rampant evil of our day and the hardships we encounter. Our cry often becomes one of “how much longer, O Lord?”

If you feel overwhelmed with life at times and long for our Savior to appear and intervene in our world, please know that I wrote what follows especially for you.

Our weariness of heart comes from a variety of sources:

  • Ongoing health issues of varying intensity

  • The limitations that come with aging

  • The sickening wickedness in our world that’s growing exponentially

  • Government corruption amid over-the-top deception and gaslighting by leaders

  • The vile depopulation efforts of the globalists

  • The everyday talk of a nuclear World War III

  • Various forms of persecution

  • The ridicule of our hope in Jesus’ imminent appearing

  • Family heartaches

  • Abuse from spouses or other family members

  • Financial woes

For those of us eagerly watching for Jesus’ return, encountering these things intensifies our longing for the day He takes us up to His Father’s house.

I believe the Apostle Paul also felt this yearning. In Romans 8:23, he wrote:

And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.

The “redemption of our bodies” happens at the time of the Rapture when Jesus gives us our imperishable bodies. If you sigh with longing for this day to arrive as the result of any of the reasons from the above list, you’re in good company. You likely feel the same inward groaning that Paul felt as he also looked forward to the Lord’s appearing.

It’s our anticipation of the glory ahead for us that encourages weary hearts as we encounter the devil’s opposition through the items listed above. That’s why I’m writing to reassure you regarding the confidence we possess in Jesus’ imminent appearing.



Kem said...

Thank you so much Scott, for articles of encouragement as well as the news. The days are so dark and only the comfort and encouragement of the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures can get us through as well as knowing that others who love our Lord and are looking up with expectancy are feeling the same things.

Scott said...

Hello Kem, nice to hear from ya!
Same here - So many of us are, and I too needed to hear that encouraging message - we need to keep our eyes on the prize! Luke 21:28 :)