Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Monkeypox Update: Dr Robert Malone

Monkeypox Update: There has been a significant development, says Dr. Robert Malone

A week ago, Dr. Robert Malone wrote an article stating “what we do know” about monkeypox. Today he has published an update. 

“I almost cannot believe that I am writing this, but since my original Substack article on this topic, we had the reveal of an Event 201-style wargame exercise modelled around a bioterror-related release of an engineered monkeypox virus ‘caused by a terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak oversight’,” he wrote today.

With amazing (coincidental?) prescience, the “tabletop exercise” of March 2021 (one year and three months into the Covid crisis) models a monkeypox bioterror attack initiated on May 15, 2022. Note the date of the CNN/Jake Tapper fear porn piece – May 20, 2022. The modelling deployed in the scenario upon which the “exercise” was based predicts 3.2 billion cases and 271 million deaths by December 01, 2023. Of course, the predictive accuracy of the simplistic public health models such as that used to support this scenario have repeatedly proven to be absolutely horrid, and these types of models should be either relegated to the trash heap (or ongoing dumpster fire) as unscientific speculation which is all too frequently weaponised by the fear porn peddlers such as CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Washington Post. By now we all know the usual USG and WEF-controlled media players.

As the Italians like to say:

Niente e lasciato al caso.

Nothing happens by chance.

As we now know, the amazing foresight of this modelled date immediately preceded a seminal WHO meeting which has just concluded, in which International Health Regulation (IHR) modifications which would grant the WHO unprecedented powers to bypass national constitutions (proposed on January 23, 2022, by the US HHS) were actively considered but tabled for a future meeting (~November 2022?) largely due to African nation concerns regarding infringement of national sovereignty. The stated purpose of the “exercise” was remarkably well aligned with the stated objectives and topics proposed by US HHS in the submitted IHR modifications:

In my prior Substack entitled “Monkey Pox, Truth versus Fearporn”, I concluded the essay with the following caveat:

Unless there has been some genetic alteration, either through evolution or intentional genetic manipulation, it is not a significant biothreat and has never been considered a high threat pathogen in the past.

Which brings us to this May 23, 2022 report from the Portuguese National Institute of Health.

Just to set the stage, the outbreak seems to be tightly associated with a point of origin at what appear to have been two large European dance party events (“Raves”), in the Canary Islands (“Gay Pride event in the Canary Islands, which drew some 80,000 people”) and “a Madrid sauna”. The Canary Islands event was the 20th anniversary of “Maspalomas Gay Pride”, which took place from May 05 to May 15 (the precise date of the previously modelled monkeypox bioweapon release)The organisers anticipated “a huge parade with over 100,000 participants, boat trips, pool parties and more!”. So, basically, pretty much a perfect opportunity for a monkeypox super spreader event, whether intentional or inadvertent. Donning my “cynical sceptic” tinfoil hat for a moment, if one was looking for an opportunity to seek a pathogen into a highly mobile international population, mindful of the early history of HIV-based AIDS, this would be just what the doctor (Mengle…) ordered.

Multiple cases were soon detected in Portugal, and to their great credit, INSA Portugal got busy and promptly did the deep sequencing necessary to enable building a phylogenic map of the monkeypox variant associated with the outbreak.

Based on their findings, they have rapidly disclosed both their data as well as a series of startling hypotheses regarding the origin of the currently circulating monkeypox (West African clade) monkeypox. Cutting to the chase, having reviewed their data and paper, I now have to conclude that one of the many “working hypotheses” concerning the origin of this particular virus must be that it is the product of laboratory-based manipulation – precisely as previously modelledTrue story. Truth continues to be stranger than fiction.

The authors briefly (and elegantly) summarise the study’s purpose and methods as follows:



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