Monday, June 27, 2022

World War, Soros And Schwab

The West’s Refusal to Seek World Peace

The press has done nothing but put forward present propaganda and they are driving the world into the arms of death. Once upon a time, the world leaders gathered together for a conference in Munich to discuss WORLD PEACE and SECURITY. Today, they seem to conspire on how to bring the world into the arms of death, perhaps to reduce population and forge a new one-world government with the deranged idea that they can actually wipe both Russia and China off the face of the earth.

The exceptional nature of what will also be remembered for centuries is the famous speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Munich conference on February 10, 2007. In the spirit of Pericles, Putin delivered a speech that was not significantly different from that of the “Great Funeral oration,” which was both patriotic for Athenians and concerned for the peace of the world.

Putin pointed out that the West lied and cheated following the fall of communism. Instead of embracing Russia and a new democratic state, even the Guardian wrote on December 20, 1999, under the headline that the “Kremlin hails ‘peaceful Russian revolution” that power in Russia changed at the ballot box. They reported: “Hailing a “peaceful revolution” in Russian politics for the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Kremlin officials and Putin supporters relished a relatively harmonious relationship between the legislature and the executive.

Still, our politicians expanded NATO and rejected peace. If peace was sought, then there was no longer a need for NATO. That would have led to the unemployment of millions. So NATO was not just retained but expanded.

Lithuania announced a partial blockade of the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad. This is a deliberate act to provoke war. Kaliningrad is Russian territory and to claim it because of Ukraine which also provoked the Russian invasion for this very purpose of creating war is desperately trying to create World War III. Our world leaders are delusional and they want war.

Putin and Russians know well that the West lies, cannot be trusted, and our politicians are obsessed with war as their existing strategy from an economic system that is collapsing because they have done nothing but borrow endlessly with no intention of paying anything back. Then Europe required pension funds to buy government bonds which they then took the interest rates to NEGATIVE in 2014 destroying not just the European bond market, but their pension system. When their co-conspirator Schwab and his WEF say you will own nothing and be happy because the government will default on everything and he is trying to pretend they are doing this for you to help with your debt burden.

Worse still, I have been told for weeks now that there are people inside NATO who actually promote war and are using the phrase they intend to “wipe Russia off the Earth,” and this is starting to make the press in the UK and also in Russia. There is not a single rational person in any position of authority willing to take a breath and say wait just one minute.

The only two major leaders to invade Russia were Hitler and Napoleon. We seem to be headed for a third try. They can threaten China to stand aside, but Xi is not stupid. He knows this thirst for world domination that has been cheered by Soros and Schwab. If he does not unite with Putin, then China will be next. Just listen to the insane words of George Soros who seems to refuse to die and leave the world alone.

So while Soros is lining the pockets of everyone who would overthrow everything that created world peace since 1945, the very threat to civilization is Soros and Schwab. Unfortunately, our computer would hide under my bed if it had legs. It has revealed our fate, but there seems to be no way to prevent it. These people are pushing for World War III because the economy is collapsing and governments can no longer keep borrowing endlessly. We have reached the end of the road and they cannot kick the can any further.

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