Monday, June 20, 2022

MEP Warns: 'European Union Is Off The Rails'

MEP Warns: 'European Union Is Off The Rails, Usurping More and More Power' (Video)

The institutions of the European Union are usurping more and more power that no one ever gave them and for which they are accountable to no one exclaimed, Flemish Member of Parliament for the Vlaams Belang party, Tom Vandendriessche.

“The European Commission was originally set up as a college of officials responsible for implementing what the member states agree but is increasingly acting like a kind of European government that wants to dictate policy in the member states. As a result, citizens mainly ask themselves the question: who are those people that no one has ever chosen? Technocracy is opposed to democracy, said the conservative MEP from the floor of the European Parliament.”

The European Court of Justice was originally established to judge the application of the European treaties. Through liberal and activist interpretation of the treaties, the Court puts itself above the constitutions of the member states in domains where it is not empowered.

They usurp more and more power to judge the internal organization of member states, make policy choices, and even rewrite laws for which no appeal is possible. Here, also, citizens ask themselves: who are these alien judges for whom nobody has ever elected? Juristocracy is the opposite of democracy.

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