Monday, May 30, 2022

Their Time Is Now To Launch The Global Reset

Remember the Deagel population forecast? It now makes total sense

This was a big week for the globalists. They feel it’s their time, go time, to launch the most difficult phase of the Great Reset so they can get on with what they call the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, as explained by World Economic Forum guru Klaus Schwab, will lead to a “fusion” of every human being’s physical, biological and digital identities. It’s basically the dawning of a new era based on transhumanism and technocracy, something akin to what was laid out in the novel Brave New World.

But they can’t get there until they reset everything. Kill off the old. Bring on the new.

Resetting the world isn’t something you can pull off by just pushing a button. It requires a series of well-designed global crises, as Schwab and his chief advisor Yuval Noah Harari have said on more than one occasion.

So the globalists have been meeting this week in Geneva at the World Health Assembly and they have been meeting in Davos at the World Economic Forum summit. The two cities, Geneva and Davos, are both located in Switzerland, about three hours apart by car. Between these two meetings, the globalist predator class will be getting their instructions on what to do and what to expect over the next 12 months. I am calling this 12-month window the opening salvo in the kill phase of the Great Reset.

Schwab opened the meeting at Davos by saying “the future is not just happening; the future is built by us, by a powerful community, as you here in this room.”

Schwab said “we must prepare for an angrier world,” which I take as a bad sign that the globalists are getting anxious, feeling that if they don’t take drastic action soon all their plans to erect an end-times global government could be wasted.

Schwab added that, “We have the means to improve the state in the world, but two conditions are necessary:

“The first one is that we act all as stakeholders of larger communities.

“And second is that we collaborate.”

My question for Klaus is this: Collaborate on what?

And what does he mean, exactly, by “improve” the state of the world?

Improvements for whom? I believe he’s referring to improved conditions for the 1 percent who run the big banks and corporations and their minions, which might jack it up to 3 or 4 percent. For the rest of us, they have an agenda of misery.

If we look at the WEF/UN agenda, which is supported wholeheartedly by the governments of the U.S., U.K., E.U., Canada and Australia, it’s all pointing to a mass culling of the human population. They have triggered the kill phase.

As they see it, we can surmise from their rhetoric, the culling is needed in order to save the planet and its resources for they, the globalist elites represented this week at Davos and Geneva.

They have told us their plans ahead of time. They always do. We will own nothing, we will have no privacy and we will learn to like being totally dependent on the government and its corporate partners for our very survival.

David Beasley, executive director of the United Nations World Food Program, spoke at Davos and had cheery news. Watch his brief comments in the video below.

In his formal address to the WEF, Beasley explained that the global food situation was already bad before the Ukraine war, but that the situation has since escalated to become what he called the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II.

Then there’s the creepy cover of the Economist Magazine. This is the Rothschild owned publication that caters to the elite globalists. It pictured a field of wheat, with the kernels of wheat represented as skulls, with the title being “The Coming Food Catastrophe.”

Conservative Playlist reports that the Rockefeller Foundation, another globalist club with ties to Bill Gates, Schwab and the WEF, recently warned that a global food crisis of biblical proportions is scheduled to arrive at our doors within five to six months.

Rockefeller Foundation president Rajiv Shah described what is soon to unfold as a “massive, immediate food crisis” that will strike the entire world, leaving no country untouched.

This is not communism because, if it were, the big corporations would not all be in on it. This is technocracy, using the power of data collection and advanced surveillance technology, which they leverage at every point of contact – in the medical field, media and social media, science, education, at the retail level, the military and biosecurity levels.

But how, people ask, will they make it so we will own nothing and just rent everything from the billionaires and multi-millionaires?

I tell these people that if they were awake they would see the answer to their question playing out in real time.

By creating more and more money and deliberately driving down the value of the dollar, the Federal Reserve and the banking system force you to pay more for less. To survive, whether you are in the lower middle class, the middle-middle class, or the upper middle class, you will pay more for the same gallon of gas, the same groceries, the same clothing as you had before. You can get by for a while by just buying less and cutting out waste, but after a while you will be looking to downsize your cars, your houses, your food intake, everything.

This is why Mayer Rothschild said “I care not who makes a country’s laws as long as I control its money.”

The plan is to price you out of everything to the point where you are renting a small apartment in the city next to a rail line, replacing your SUV with a mini electric car (if you can afford that) or even a bicycle. Look at China. That’s the future they have planned for us.

The more pain that is caused, the closer the elites get to being able to implement their Great Reset, with digital QR codes attached to every human being containing all your health records on a cellphone app and connecting that app also to your bank account and your ability to log onto the internet. That’s the goal.


1 comment:

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa said...

Degal forecasts oddly seem to match carbon emissions targets???????????????