Sunday, April 10, 2022

Cataclysm Awaits? 'Old System' Must Be Destroyed To Bring In 'The New'

Ukraine Crisis Shows Currency Wars, Mass Famine And Death Are 'Our Lot', Bringing Alarming Proof Why Cataclysm Awaits Us: They Must Destroy 'The Old System' To Bring In 'The New'
Alan Barton

...And then they said the real kicker, a paragraph that describes right where we are at this time; If the world monetary system collapses in the course of play, all governments are judged losers—and economists write books describing the follies of man and the causes of the next war.”  It seems the worlds elitists are playing that game just as described, with the added evils of massive depopulation to ease the pressures on the purposely diminishing food supply and world peace and at the same time reducing the power of the nation that brought such wealth and increase of living standards down to third world status.  This article is speculation on just how that might occur regarding the money supply and its control systems.

A year and a half ago, Stefan Gleason, president of Money Metals Exchange, said “Central bankers now appear poised to embark on their biggest power play ever” and that “the monetary masters aren’t contemplating a return to sound money. Rather, they’re planning for even more debt, more inflation, and picking of winners and losers in the economy.”  We have been watching this warning come true as the mental midget infesting the Peoples White House and his handlers have done everything to achieve just that goal of the destruction of what is currently in force to rebuild, or “build back better” to their evil scheme.  “In the event that the U.S. central bank launches a digital dollar and assigns every American a virtual wallet, there would be no escaping adverse monetary policy decrees…It would be the vehicle through which modern monetary theory could be fully implemented – with the central bank becoming tax collector and funder of all government operations”.  Basically they are right now, as the world’s central banks control the world’s nations through their monetary shenanigans as it is, but this would cement it in place as the “legal” or royally mandated system rather than merely the De facto system as it is now.

About a week ago, Jim Hoft with The Gateway Pundit wrote on this dramatic shift in the new financial world order speaking of what economists at the World Government Summit in Abu Dhabi last week said.  “We are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to, and I’ll say this boldly, we are about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce a new oneAnd the new one; the new accounting is what we call blockchain… It means digital, it means having an almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what’s going on.”  And that, my friends, means the only things the government cannot track are those things that are bargained and traded by non-currency methods.  But watch yourself carefully, the electronic tracking of our lives, locations, friends, needs and wants is going to tattle on you if you are not very careful.  The use of cellphones for tracking everything about you including where you are and who is in the immediate vicinity is included in the social justice tracking system that rates you in a comparison to the Satanist standards of the NWO.  

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