Saturday, April 30, 2022

Newspeak And The WEF:

How the World Economic Forum Uses Newspeak to Wage War
Tessa Lena

Story at-a-glance

  • The use of “newspeak” is a military grade methodology of “hacking” our instincts and tricking us into acting against our best interests

  • In the natural world, the method of “disguising as a friend” exists strictly as a hunting technique — but today, it is applied by the power holders to the entire population

  • For centuries, invaders and reformers have been using upside-down language to confuse the enemy and recruit loyal supporters

  • Since 2020, we have seen many definitions changed, from medical terms to things like “compassion” and “freedom”

  • World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers Community is a recruitment effort designed to eventually misplace those who want to live in the “old normal”
This story is about a particular genre of lying, namely the genre of covertly changing definitions in order to convince us to accept horrible things and be “happy” about it. The creation of upside-down language, in military terms, is “hacking” of our instincts designed to trick us into acting against our best interests.

Straightforward lying: pointing at a brick and saying, “It’s a bird.” Or pointing at a defective brick and saying that it’s an excellent, high quality brick that surely works great in construction! (See traditional advertising.)

Upside-down language: secretly changing the definition of “bird” to include bricks, then announcing that there is a new revolutionary technology of building homes from birds — and when somebody says, “But those are clearly bricks,” raising one’s voice and saying, “No, those are BIRDS. Look it up.” The king is not naked, and newspeak is the oldspeak. Don’t you know?!

And something still doesn’t feel quite right — but you no longer remember what it is and why you feel this way! You forgot the original meaning because remembering it makes you feel like a loser. (For some reason, our evolving relationship with a certain medical product comes to mind).

This certainly is an outrageous and funny example but this is exactly how abusive relationships work. The victim’s mind has to constantly accept “updated” definitions of love, care, and truth in order to save one’s face. And this is how abusers can get away with a lot — up until the point in in time when the pain of the victim becomes so unbearable that forces change.

A few years ago, I wrote a story called “Nature, Flags, and Birch Trees: Political Power of Emotions,” in which I went into the subject of “newspeak flavors” in detail.

Sadly, history is full of newspeak! Upside-down language has been an important weaponry item for “disrupters” and robbers for thousands of years! But it feels to me as a Soviet expat that today’s version of upside-down language is really close to the one from my old homeland, and I don’t like it. It didn’t lead to anything good in my old homeland, and it is likely to be a disaster again if repeated.

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