Friday, March 11, 2022

Play It Again Sam

Play It Again Sam

Bill Perkins

All you see on the major news is how terrible Russia is. The major TV and newspapers are in unison crying foul while spreading fear into the hearts of Americans about Russia starting a nuclear war.They're scaring the beejeebees out of so many people it wouldn't surprise me if we started seeing ads for backyard fallout shelters.

But it it doesn't pass the sniff-test when all the networks and major newspapers are using the same phrases to condemn Russia. It makes you wonder if they're up to something.

I'm pretty sure if you take all the headlines from two years ago and insert "Russia" in place of "Covid," you have the latest fear-flaming tactics by the Globalists/Satanists.

But just like in the United States, many of the Ukrainian leaders are politically and Satanically corrupt. Ask Hunter Biden who's been paid no telling how much for his influence as the son of Joe Biden.

Ukraine is home to huge sex trafficking operations. And it's being reported that there are numerous Big Pharma involved bio-labs scattered around the country.(4)

The United States, James Baker, under Bush 1, promised Russia that NATO would not advance one inch past the western boundary of Ukraine. So much for State Department promises (ask the American Indians about government promises).

But the main reason the Globalists/Satanists are mad at Russia is not because they're invading Ukraine. Like everything else going on, this is about control, world control in the last days.

Here's the dirty little secret you won't hear on the news— Russia refuses to be controlled by the New World Order. They created their monetary system to function outside the prying eyes of the world financial system controlled by Rothschild, Rockefeller, et al. The Globalists/Satanists can't have that!

This fact was confirmed when Kira Rudik, a Ukrainian member of the Parliament, flatly stated on Fox News that the Ukrainian citizens are not only fighting Russia to save their country but also to "Save the New World Order."(1)

It will be hard to put that cat back in the bag. The non-mainstream news is screaming about the silliness of making Russia the bad guy.(2)

Yes, Biden, Obama, Soros, Schwab, Gates, et al, need a war to cover their evil deeds. Mike Adams of Brighteon has been saying for months they want a war with Russia so they can blame a U.S. cyber attack on Russia.(3)

The ultimate goal of the Globalists/Satanists is to institute a new digital currency. That would give them ALL control.

They'll eventually get there, but probably not before the Rapture. So between now and then, if nothing else, they want to keep the "fear" coming that the sky's falling. Hey, they used fear to lock down the entire planet so now they'll use it whenever they need to.

Yep, this is indeed a rerun of the same ole song. The Globalists/Satanists are relentlessly moving forward with their quest for total world control, just as prophesied in the Bible.

It won't end well for them. But it will end very well for us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If folks, either as Article's author indicated, knows such crazy has been, or is going on, why don't invisible covert op's for good, know this? Why if everyone knows the game, why can't some big boys end the Game? We have numb-nuts at the helm we all know this, bypass stupidity is not beyond the realm of reality with God' protection, praying, and super-natural happenings; We must believe this is all a movie, and pause it, take a break, let stupid evil go at stupid evil; They probably will vanish on their own?

At least our Warrior's need try, "NO" we don't know definitively this is the big one God says in the Bible is the one thing that ushers in End Times, IMO! Many signs are around, many have not happen, so would not God expect his people to do what they have done before believing USA was being compromised, "Give us Liberty or Give us Death"? Christian's all want to past quietly in our sleep, or leave during the Rapture, if doing whatever we can to fight evil till then is necessary, believer's should try to know it's possible, right? God put us here to enjoy the moment of our living, if evil presents itself, with Christ as our Armor, don't worry, be happy, right?

Pray food is abundant, gas prices are lowered, people become aware of the truths, pray for innocent Ukrainian people caught in the middle of our crazies running wielded power in wrong directions, and cooler heads prevail!