Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Great Pivot Of Spring 2022, V. 2.0

The Great Pivot of Spring 2022, V. 2.0

From where I sit, we appear to be on the threshold of yet another propaganda about-face.

The Ukraine “war” is increasingly looking like it was all about Russia having found a moment when the NATO-associated World Economic Forum client states were distracted by other matters, and then seizing the opportunity to put a halt to the gradual assimilation of Ukraine into the NATO alliance.  If one looks at the situation from a Russian geopolitical-realpolitik frame of reference, the gradual development of a NATO-aligned state along the Russian border, replete with US-sponsored “Biolabs” that were (at best) working with biothreat agents (toxins, pathogens) collected from the Ukrainian region (and heavens knows where else), represented a legitimate threat to Russian national security.  Were those “Biolabs” more than just sample collection stations?  Russia certainly seem to think so.  The USA acknowledges the existence of these “Biolabs” but denies that they were involved in bioweapon research.  Personally, based on my professional experience, that one sticks in my craw.  Russia asserts otherwise.  He said, she said.  These days, truth seems to merely be whatever and whichever state-controlled media that you are subjected to says it is.

Peter Navarro put me on the spot today on the “War Room” while he was serving as guest host.  He asked about the elephant in the room.  Paraphrasing, “Why do you think we are funding these biolabs in Ukraine and Wuhan?”.  My hypothesis – because we (federal government of the USA, specifically NIAID/HHS and DTRA/DoD) are offshoring risk, legal liability, and trying to circumvent congressional oversight concerning activities that we know we should not be doing.

US politician Tulsi Gabbard (a WEF “young leader” trainee whose WEF webpage was recently removed)raised concerns on Twitter regarding the “Biolabs” issue and was immediately attacked by Mitt Romney (Senator, Utah, Uniparty). Romney used Twitter to state“Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives.”  On a tangent, and just for the record, Mitt is also in favor of using masks on toddlers , apparently to prevent infection and spread of the endemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.  Or perhaps just to keep them from talking back to their elders.  Who knows. I infer that Mr. Romney has found a new religion in Scienceism.  Perhaps he should relocate back to Massachusetts and run for Senator there, where Scienceism seems to be the dominant religion.

Here is the text of what constitutes “treasonous lies” according to Mitt.

“There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached would release & spread deadly pathogens to US/world. We must take action now to prevent disaster. US/Russia/Ukraine/NATO/UN/EU must implement a ceasefire now around these labs until they’re secured & pathogens destroyed”


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