Friday, March 11, 2022

Current Events Are Moving Towards Gog-Magog

The Czar Overplayed His Hand: Possibly Prophetic :
By Dr. Donald Whitchard

 I want to share with you the possible list of upcoming events that might have been triggered by the irrational actions of “Czar” Vladimir Putin.

  • Ukraine was the “breadbasket” for both the Russian Empire and the former Soviet Union. Seizing this country means control over the production and distribution of grain products and other natural resources. Stalin had seized farms and crops from Ukraine almost a hundred years ago as punishment for not falling in line with the Communist system, and the people starved to death as a result. Putin could do the same and not only deprive Ukraine of food supplies but their European neighbors as well. You can’t put up resistance when you and your family are starving and under submission.
  • The seizure of Ukraine along with the Crimean Peninsula gives the Russian navy the necessary access to a warm water port and the establishment of military bases that would be close to Russia’s ally Turkey. Turkey’s leader, Recep Erdogan, would be more than willing to allow Putin’s forces to establish additional bases of operation near Istanbul, which has access to the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Although Turkey is a member of NATO, they are in turn hostile to the personnel and presence of the American Air Force Base at Incirlik. They cannot be trusted or relied upon to mount any kind of defense or retaliation against Russia. Russia also has bases in Syria, a neighbor of Turkey. Russia, Turkey, Syria, and Iran – these nations all have one thing in common: they hate the Jewish people and the nation of Israel and want it to be destroyed.
  • Vladimir Putin openly declared on Russian state television that Israel must give up its claim on the strategically important Golan Heights and that Jerusalem and the “West Bank” are the property of the “Palestinians,” who operate the terrorist group Hamas to the south (Gaza Strip) and are allied with the Iranian terrorist group stationed in northern Lebanon (Hezbollah), both enemies of Israel.
  • Russian naval and military bases located in these areas pose a major threat to the American Navy’s Sixth Fleet, which patrols the Mediterranean Sea. Should Russian vessels mount an attack or threat, our armed forces would be at a severe disadvantage due to the numbers of personnel having been discharged from duty due to refusals to be vaccinated for COVID-19. Right now, our defense forces are at an all-time low and at their weakest. We do not have the resources for any kind of successful retaliation should the Russian military engage in any activity. America does not have an adequate means to help Israel, and our present government is indifferent, if not hostile, toward Israel.
  • Russia has a monopoly on the production and distribution of natural gas to both Eastern and Western Europe. Therefore, any threat posed by NATO would be of no use if the energy along with food supplies and trade is blocked by the actions of Putin. The United States has major deposits of natural gas and fuels, but they have been blocked by regulations imposed upon them by the current administration. Russia will not allow any competition from America or anyone else to break his energy stranglehold on Europe as of now.
  • If America cannot intervene, Israel is an alternative source of natural gas that could be shipped to the European nations to thwart Putin’s pipelines and singular distribution of energy. A major natural gas field was discovered in Israel several years ago with a total capacity of 20 billion cubic feet, more than enough to supply both them and any other nation with years of alternative energy sources and would cut into Russia’s supply chain as well.
  • With a hatred for the Jews that goes back centuries in Russia, Putin sees Israel’s potential to ship their natural gas as a threat and makes it a target for invasion and destruction. Israel will, in turn, defend itself against this action. This will be the chance Israel’s Arab neighbors will take to aid Russia and destroy their mutual enemy once and for all. 
  • It could very well be that, in the coming months or sooner, these events might fall into place that start with Putin’s war on Ukraine.
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